Chapter 26

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Mighty's eyes were blown open as he connected with startled yellow ones. Griffin giggled as all the crystals in the room exploded with colour. 

Violet let out a startled gasp as a figure appeared out of a portal. The hood of the figure dropped revealing a chameleon who was a mix of pink and orange. She was a salmon colour. Mighty was shocked, Griffin only smacked the coffin where two golden eyes snapped open and the room glowed with intense colours. 

"Mother!" Violet gasped out as she lifted Griffin off the glass just as the coffin opened and a certain chameleon sat up. On his wrists were very familiar inhibitor rings. 



Soon enough Espio found himself lifted out of the coffin and into the arms of his lovers, Mighty pulled him close hugging him tightly until a giggle split them apart. 

Espio turned to see not only two of his children but one he thought he had lost. He was quick to take Griffin into his arms, his little armadillo snuggling close. 


"Hey V" 

Espio was in shock, he watched with confused eyes as the one he lost was pulled into a tight hug by her older sister. Mighty wrapped an arm around his waist in disbelief especially when the two sisters turned to them all. Griffin only played with his feet, Espio felt pain radiate through his chest which was mirrored as Crystal fell to her knees. 

"The Darkness!" Crystal cried out looking past Mighty to see Shadow had made another appearance. Espio frowned, turning around only to gasp, the pain intensified sending him crashing to his knees. Mighty grabbed him, Griffin was quickly taken from him as Shadow appeared in front of them all. 

Placing a hand to Espio's head and Crystals once she had moved over. Shadows' eyes glowed white as the light power given to him was used for its purpose. 

Mighty with Violet and Griffin watched from the side as white light left Shadow entering both Espio's and Crystal's bodies. After a few minutes, Shadows' eyes turned back to their normal red and he stumbled back into the coffin. Mighty grabbed him to steady him, Shadow nodded sitting against the wall of the coffin to try and get his breathing under control. 


"I'm alright…Crystal?" 

Crystal looked up in shock, she latched onto Espio who smiled hugging her tightly to his chest. She then let go allowing Violet time to hug her mother and whisper apologies with Mighty now wrapping an arm around all of his family including Griffin who was in a sling across Espio's chest. 

"What do we do about the coffin?" Violet asked, turning to Espio who frowned down at the coffin which had caused mayhem in his family. 

"I will deal with it, get yourselves back to Emerald Hills. Infinite has returned, Shade needs your help" Shadow spoke up from where he was leaning against the coffin taking deep breaths. 

"Shadow, you understand what must happen?" Espio handed over very familiar gold rings.

"I do, Espio. Go" 

"Mother?" Crystal turned to Espio who smiled. "What is going on?" Violet said. 

"This place must not exist which means…." 

"Shadow must destroy it" Mighty finished for his partner who could only smile. Watching the way Shadow clicked all four inhibitor rings onto his body. Never in his life did he have to put the shoe ones on but it would seem life liked to surprise him. 

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