Chapter 21

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Five days had passed since almost the end of Emerald Hills and for once the zone was peaceful as Mobius was at peace. Today was a special day, Shade and Violet were getting married. Shade hadn’t told Shadow yet but she had a feeling her mother knew. Shadow and Espio had slept for five days straight, not that the others could blame them. The two were exhausted, Mighty only struggled with feeding Griffin who wanted his tired mother, Espio was awake for anything to do with his children but other than that he was asleep either in bed or Mighty’s lap.

The winter months didn’t help the chameleon’s situation, it turned out Espio’s immune system due to the lack of chaos energy was attacked by the common cold. Charmy and Vector were banned from visiting as everytime Espio sneezed he would change colour and the chameleon was already embarrassed enough, he didn’t like letting his emotions out or showing his vulnerable sides. Mighty was furious he almost knocked out the crocodile and Vector got the message, thankfully Espio was cured enough to attend the ceremony despite his daughter saying he wasn’t invited. Espio had to witness it and sign over the permanent declaration. Violet wanted nothing to do with the clan, so last night Espio had followed procedure and Violet quit leaving for good. There was more to the two chameleon’s story than they were saying and Mighty tried to help but found himself a shield used by his daughter so he stayed out of it. 

“Espio, come on. You need to get up and shower” Mighty rubbed his partner’s shoulders, Espio grumbled climbing to his feet only to groan. Mighty was instantly by his side, “You alright?” he asked out of worry and concern. “Wish I could say yes but no, I’m not. Mother did say, it would take me a good two months to recover from what Infinite did” Espio grunted out through his teeth as he shivered, Mighty was quick to manoeuvre the two of them into the shower in the ensuite. Knuckles was currently looking after Griffin in the front room with Ray leaving Mighty to wake Espio. 



“If it came to it and I had to leave, would you come with me or would you stay here?” 

“Espio, where’s this coming from? Of course, I would come with you” 

Espio could only shrug his shoulders allowing Mighty to help dry him down with the fluffiest towel. 

“Come on, get dressed. I know you won’t be staying long, call it a gut feeling but I don’t think Shadow will be either. Yesterday, Shade mentioned that he couldn’t even stand without the room spinning. So, I hope Sonic hasn’t created another gremlin” Mighty chuckled as the two of them entered the front room where Knuckles sat playing with his nephew. The echidna was suited and booted, bouncing Griffin who as soon as he saw his mother wanted him. Before, yelling could start, Espio took his son and gave him another bottle. Griffin latched onto it. 

“How? Everytime I do it, he smacks it away or screams the place down?” Mighty asked, Espio could only smirk, leaving Mighty cursing about ninja techniques. 

Soon they were all at the destination for the special day. The wedding was being hosted at the Royal Kingdom, it was private but had many friends and family. Villagers had moved back into the kingdom into their old homes, Espio received some dirty looks from many of them as well as a few guards of the family. Trying not to let it bother him, he inched into Mighty who only tugged him tighter to his side. Griffin was in a sling across Espio’s chest, the small armadillo playing with his feet as usual. 

“Father! Glad you could make it!” Violet called out from a nearby door gesturing for Mighty to come in, the armadillo could only sigh pecking Espio on the forehead, he left to fulfil his daughter’s needs while Knuckles, Ray and Espio mingled with the other guests. Knuckles made sure to get Espio a seat which turned out to be right next to Shadow, the hedgehog had his head resting on Sonic’s shoulder until the ceremony would begin. Turns out Kaze and Sonic were too much alike leaving poor Shadow to deal with not only one headache but three if he counted Manic. 

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