Chapter 11

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(Bold in speech marks - Shinobi Clan - Hidden Commands from Espio)

Many years ago…

It was a day of celebration, one where a small bee had been born and a family were celebrating the child they had been told wouldn't survive. 

Every member of the village had been invited to join in celebration which was actually in the ballroom of the castle belonging to Queen Alena, she had claimed the family was her own in a way to protect them from mercenaries who would kill without question. Charmys parents were the royal advisors to the Queen. They were highly respected and struggled to have children. They had one older one and were blessed with their final Miracle which ended up being Charmy. 

So once news got out that another child had been born from help of the willow tree which held a power like no other. It was said the saplings were what helped life exist, a crystal like no other lived within it. The colour of it was silver which overtime had turned a black colour as it took the dark from mobians who almost lost their lives due to corruption.

Nevermind that, the celebration was huge, mobians came from all over as the royal advisors got promoted which meant their sons were half princes. The triplets of the Queen were delighted as they welcomed the baby bee without hesitation. 

However, by doing this the Queen and King had gone against one of their strictest laws and now the news had been shared with a powerful allied clan. They had put themselves in the face of danger. It didn't help that Charmy’s dad was said to have killed a youngling from the clan and that was the reason the small family were under the royals protection. Many mobians in the village were aware of it and made sure to help the family in their desperate time of need. The King had even asked the echidna tribe for protection and in exchange they would hand over the location of one of the jewels of a lifetime. It was known as the master emerald.

The echidnas all agreed, their leader had his own son to protect but made sure he was never on the front line instead he would be protecting the royal children with the best guard. 

It was midnight when it all broke loose, the village erupted into flames as chameleons coloured navy and brown broke through the defences of the powerful echidna tribe. The royals were barely warned as chameleons appeared in the centre of the royal room. Queen Alena gasped seeing the leader of the Navade Clan, he was a powerful navy chameleon who wore a dark look. He had been corrupted years ago, it was said he was the Bride's ex-husband, but that was only rumours.

"You broke our law, now you will pay the consequences" 

With all said, Queen Alena gasped as a small purple youngling who couldn't be barely older than her own children stabbed her husband in the chest with the most guilty look in the world. It seemed the young chameleon didn't have a choice. Queen Alena grabbed her children and ran for it with the chameleons on her back.

"Claudius, go take out the advisors!" 

The leader roared at the youngling who could nod taking off in another direction, the injured king was quick to follow. He wasn't going to be taken down that easily, Claudius ran for his life. He turned invisible as he entered the room which was full of the two adult royal advisors who swung their swords at him. Claudius reappeared since he wasn't that skilled he used the shadows to his advantage and without warning he swiftly killed the two advisors who cried out. The King vanished in front of them all, almost like he swept up in some light.

A few others in the room were killed without hesitation. Claudius struggled to maintain his emotions as his father entered the room. The chameleon smiled at him, Claudius held his head up high waiting for approval only for the mobian to say, "It seems like you missed one, I am so disappointed in you. Take the baby and kill it, do not return to the clan until you have disposed of it and taken the stinger out" the leader roared at him. Claudius could only nod as he scooped up the child and disappeared through the hallways.

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