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I step into the building and smile at the people I pass, a habit instilled in me since I was a young girl—not really something you see much anymore really.

"Uh, link room... here's the link room."

I let out a sharp gasp when I'm hit in the ankle, I look behind me and see a man in a wheelchair. I immediately reeled back from my first instinctual reaction, which happened to be to tell him to watch where he was going.

"Oh, shit I'm sorry." The guy spews out a quick apology, I smile and shake my head.

"It's fine. No harm done, really. I'm Nasrine... Nasrine Tegan." I hold my hand out to him, he takes it in his and gives it one firm shake before releasing. He had the aura of a soldier; he definitely wasn't a scientist. Why was he in the link room? I watch him with curiosity as he gives me a tight purse-lipped smile.

"Jake Sully, nice to meet you." I look up to his counterpart, he seems familiar—he wasn't the best looker, but he had a nerdy friendliness to him.


He gives me a geeky smile and holds his slender hand out to me, "Norm, nice to meet you Nasrine."

I nod, Now he—he was a scientist. Stereotypical one as well, tall lanky geeky looking, probably wore glasses at some point in his life. Excelled at biology and botany most likely. Why else would you come to be a scientist on Project Pandora but for the giant forest and its root system.

"Right back at you. I was going the same way as you, may I join your little escapade?" I ask with a hint of stiff politeness in my tone, no amount of training could ever make me feel fine around people. Norm looks down at Jake before shrugging with a nod, looking ahead of me he seems to perk up like a puppy.

"Right here, this is where we're connecting to the avatar." I look back at the giant amnio tanks confining the avatar bodies. I've seen it only once before and it was when mine was first incubated, but this—this was so much more different.

"Holy mother of god." I whisper, walking next to Sully as he pushes his way towards one being moved.

"Hey, welcome." The sweetest scientist you'll ever meet, Max, greets us and holds a hand towards Jake.

"Welcome to Pandora, good to have you."

Jake firmly grabs his hand and shakes it, "Thanks."

I walk into the area with slow steps as I take in all of it, I walk closer to one amnio tank and circle it for a second taking in the body within the tank, my avatar body.

"Damn they got big." Sully chuckles going up to his. I place a hand on my tank, leaning closer.

"Yeah, they fully mature on the flight out. So, the proprioceptive sims seem to work really well." Norm mumbles out, Max, the scientist who greeted us, leaned against the tank pressing a few controls and buttons.

"Yeah, they've got great muscle tone. It'll take us a few hours to get them decanted, but you guys can take them out tomorrow." He grinned at us, and I smiled excitedly.

"That's yours." He points Jakes out and looks at me nodding to the one I was at—confirming that my intuition was right, she was mine.

"She's gorgeous." I whisper, mostly to myself, looking at her features—she looked just like me yet so different. My eyes follow down her face to her arms and down to her fingers as they twitch and her leg muscle spasms—it was a sight I never genuinely thought I'd see. No number of training could ever prepare you for this moment.

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