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"I hate you Jake." I whisper shout at him as we fly above Toruk.

"Shh." He shushes me as we silently drop down closer above the apex predator of the sky, Jake dives down and jumps off his Ikran onto Toruk.

It screeches and squawks as Jake makes the bond before he can even fathom what fell on his back. I laugh in disbelief as I watch Jake fly steadily with Toruk. This dumb fucker, marines always have that dumb luck.


We fly over Sacred Tree as Jake slows to a landing speed as he flies down. I follow him from above, giving him space. He lands smoothly and jumps off as I land Lavender beside Toruk.

I hop off her and follow beside Jake as the Omatikaya part like the red-sea for him. Neytiri and Tsu'tey get up, she stares at Jake in awe before walking down the path meeting him midway.

My eyes meet Tsu'teys as his face fills with relief, I walk past Jake and Neytiri as I walk up the steps to Tsu'tey.

He gestures his hand as his head, "Oel ngati kameie."

I repeat it after him and hold my hand out to him, he slides his into mine squeezing it and he pulls me closer to him. Pressing his forehead to mind he releases a sigh.

"I see you." Neytiri mutters to Jake, I turn and stand beside Tsu'tey watching them.

"I see you." Jake repeats with a small smile. He touches his hand to her arm and she does the same. Slowly the hands slide up until he's cupping her face.

"I was afraid, Jake. For my people. I'm not anymore."

Jake releases a breath he's been holding and looks up at Tsu'tey.

"Ma Tsu'tey te Rongloa Ateyo'itan. Eo ngenga kllkxem ohe, alaksi, Omatikayaru kìte'e sivi." Jake speaks to Tsu'tey, respectful of his newly acquainted title. Jake steps up near him and he backs up, taking me back with him. Eyeing Jake skeptically,

"You are Olo'etykan, and you are a great warrior. I can't do this without you." It wasn't hard to see he was a little fearful of this all. His eyes drift to Toruk before responding.

"Toruk Macto," He places a hand on Jakes chest, "I will fly with you."

"My friend is dying, Grace is dying." He looks at Mo'at and Neytiri who immediately move forward in concern.

"We beg the help of Eywa." I say, stepping forward beside Jake, placing a hand on his arm.


I look around me to see the life of this tree surrounding all the Na'vi here. The stem and roots glowing. I stand with Tsu'tey watching Jake bring Grace's body up. "Look where we are Grace."

Grace smiles, "I need to take some samples."

Jake chuckles and sets her body down head to head with her Avatar. The Omaticaya people start humming.

"The all great mother may choose to save all that she is in this body." Mo'at explains moving her hands from Grace's body to her avatar.

"Is that possible?" Jake asks,

"She must pass through the eye of Eywa and return. But Jakesully, she is very weak." Mo'at warns and stands up, backing away.

"Hang on Grace, they're gonna fix you up." Jake says sitting next to her. The Omatikaya started chanting and swaying back and forth, their arms laid over each other's shoulders in sync with movement.

"Tìng mikyun ayoer, rutxe, ma Nawma Sa'nok." Mo'at Spoke with her arms raised in the air.

"Srung si poeru, ma Eywa." The Omatikaya people called out,

"Pori tireati, munge mì nga, ulte tìng ayoer nì'eyng hu ngeyä ya. Tivìran po ayoekip, na Na'viyä hapxì! Eo Eywa oe 'ia." Everything Mo'at said was repeated by the other Na'vi.

She started swaying her body repeating the phrase 'Eo Eywa oe 'ia' I watched Grace holding a hand to her leg.

"Lu hasey!" Mo'at shushes her people as she looks down at Grace's body as she moves to look at us.

"Jake, Nas..." She weakly calls out, breaking her arm away from the stems. Jake grabs her hand as we lean over her body, my hand cupping her head as she tries to move it.


"I'm with her, Jake. She's real!" Grace says softly, a blissful smile on her face as her eyes gloss over and the full weight of her head drops on my hand.

"Grace? Grace! Please, Grace!" I gently set her head down as I place my hand on Jake's shoulder, gazing down at Grace with teary eyes.

"What's happening?" Jake asks looking at Mo'at,

"What's happening?" He asks again, getting no response. Grace gasps as her head falls to the side.

"Grace? Grace!" The light from the tree stems slowly went out as Mo'at move's her hands over Grace's avatar.

"What's happening? Did it work?" Jake asks, rushing over to her avatar.

"Her wounds were too great, there was not enough time."

I grip my mouth with my hand as I cry silently, looking from Grace to her avatar then up at Jake.

"She is with Eywa now."

My ears pin against my head as I'm pulled up and into someone's body. I look up and see Tsu'tey was the one holding me, he places his hand on the side of my face and lets me mourn her loss against him.

I watch as Jake stood and took Neytiri's hand. Tsu'tey holds my hands in his as he turns us to face the Omatikaya,

"With your permission I will speak now." Jake asks Tsu'tey,

"You would honor me by translating." Tsu'tey bows his head in approval and Jake stands beside him.

"The sky people have sent us a message," Tsu'tey says it back to the Na'vi in their language,

"That they can take whatever they want, and no one can stop them. Well we will send them a message. You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you," Tsu'tey looks at Jake as he translates it, the Omaticaya stood upon hearing it.

"You tell the other clans to come," Tsu'tey smiled translating. The Na'vi exclaiming and calling in agreement. "You tell them Toruk Macto calls to them. And you fly now, with me! My brothers! Sisters! And we will show the sky people that they cannot take whatever they want, and that this, this is our land!" Jake yells riling them up more,

Tsu'tey finishes with a bloodcurdling war-cry, and the entire clan responds, their shouts echoing across the forest.

Jake takes Neytiri's hand and runs to the leonopteryx. He vaults onto its back and pulls her up behind him.

The hunters run to their banshees, mounting quickly. Jake's leonopteryx rises on mighty wings into the night sky. With a thunder of wings, the banshees take off after it. The banshees rise like a swarm of bats. Groups of riders peel off in different directions.

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