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I open my eyes and look down at my frail body that I'd neglected since getting my avatar. I sit up in the machine and meet eyes with Jake who grabbed my arm comfortingly.

"You ready?" He asks,

I nod and I get out of the link machine walking out of the shack behind Jake's wheelchair, Neytiri was there on her horse with Tsu'tey right beside her on his. His eyes meet mine and they soften in just the way I love.

He hops off the horse and walks over to me, I never really looked at the difference in height between Na'vi and humans. Tsu'tey stood at 8ft, maybe 9, in height while I stood at 5 '5.

His four fingered hand cupped my face in such a delicate way it warmed my heart. I lift my much smaller hand to his and give him a smile. I felt my nerves dancing in my stomach.

The fear of his rejection swimming around as he suddenly lifts me and walks us over to the horse. Not a word spoken as Neytiri helped Jake up.


I laid myself next to my nude avatar in a comforting fetal position, I was going through what Grace had, and not lived through. I wasn't scared, if anything I felt this type of bliss I've never experienced before, like I knew no matter the outcome I'd be welcomed with the warmest embrace.

I looked up at Tsu'tey as he crouched beside me, his eyes remain on me as Mo'at spoke in Na'vi the same chant she did with Grace. I felt my eyes flutter close as I release a breath of air.

I open my eyes and see this gorgeous being in front of me. Her hair braided up and flowed at her ankles, her blue skins glowing with white spots as her bright white eyes found mine.

"My child," She whispers, stepping closer as she places a hand on my shoulder.

"Do you wish to return, or stay?" Her voice seemed to hold millions of others, man, woman, and child. They all sync together to make one.

She was tall and slender, and her features held that of many, ever changing.

"You wish to return I see?"

She grinned at me; I didn't have to say anything she just knew. She places her hands on either side of my jaw and leans her forehead to mine.

I let out a choked gasp as my eyes shoot open.

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