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Tsu'tey watches me closely as I carefully reach back behind me, hovering my bow out to him. He takes it from my hand and gives me a nod in silence.

I outstretch my arms in front of me eyeing down a lavender banshee who looked at me with murder in her yellow eyes, so pretty yet so homicidal.

I inhale deeply as I pull out my own yìmkxa and shuffle closer, she bares her sharp jagged teeth at me with a hiss and I pinch my face up, returning her angry hiss with one of my own. She lets out a loud screech and lunges right for me.


I smile proudly down at Tsu'tey as I hold onto her before patting the side of her neck. He lets out a laugh before walking towards me, laying a hand on my banshee's face as he looks up at me.

"Fly." He says tapping my thigh before backing up and giving me room to take off. I spot Neytiri and Jake and take off after them, Jake looks behind him looking at me before laughing in pure joy.

I break off from them and go back up to the mountain, I land as Tsu'tey looks up, holding Jake and I's bow still, I hold out my hand and in confusion he holds the bows out.

"No skxawng, get on." I chuckle out,

He eyes me then my banshee before sighing and taking my hand in his and using it as leverage to get on top. He hesitates before wrapping his arms around my narrow waist from behind and holding on as I laugh rushing off the edge again.

I go down and twist through a waterfall getting us both wet. My heart races as I feel his hands slide up more before squeezing as I twist and turn weaving through trees. I feel his laugh vibrate through me as we just continue like this.

I feel free for the first time in years. This was amazing.


I land onto the soft grassy ground and pull my tswin off of my banshees as Tsu'tey hops off and helps me off as well. I place my hands on his shoulders as I get put down on my feet, my hands slide down his arms before I pull back and put distance between us.

"It's so beautiful here." I whisper as I look around, plants hanging low and others high up, I slide my fingers across the bud of a blooming flower. I look up at Tsu'tey as he grabs my hand in his, examining my smaller five fingered hand. He brushes my 5th finger with curiosity, looking up at me he smiles, a genuine smile.

He pulls me closer to him and releases a sigh, he looked conflicted almost. I wanted to know why; it was itching at me every time I looked at him.

I raise my hands to his face and cup his cheeks, "Why're you acting so different now? We're different now."

He closes his eyes, leaning into my touch with such yearning for my affection.

"This is mistake." He grumbles reluctantly, pulling himself from me.

"We go back, come." He says walking over to my banshee again. I sigh and nod, I hop up and help him up as we go back to the mountains to regroup. I drop him off to call his banshee to join the others.

I fly up to Jake and look at him, he nods his head down at me and I shake my head to reassure him I was okay. Tsu'tey joins us with his and Jake eyes him like no tomorrow.

Neytiri pays no mind and looks at him mischievously as she bumps into him. Tsu'tey shouts at them, and they straighten up, a few giggles slipping from Neytiri.


I fly over the sacred tree with Neytiri and Jake as she motions to the area below her. She places her hand on her heart and smiles. I look back down at the tree. It was beautiful.

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