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I groan as Grace makes me do video logs, I found them dumb but she found them useful.

"Video log 10, times 2134." I look behind me as Jake complains,

"Do I really have to do this now? Like I really need to get some rack."

Grace looks away from her things, "No, now. When it's still fresh. You too missy, turn back around.''

She looks at me and I snap back to my camera feeling like my mom just caught me. I roll my eyes and crane my neck back as I sigh.

"Location Shack. The days are full and long with Neytiri teaching Jake and I her language, the ways to use a bow. All kinds of things."

I pull the bow string back, inhaling as it dug into my fingertips. I look to the side to see Tsu'tey staring with hard eyes. I straighten my back and fix the grip on the bow as I stare him down. This felt like a dominance thing for some reason, like he wanted to prove to himself he could dominate some sky demon.

I could so take him, beat his ass. I remove my eyes from him and look towards Jake, I smile and laugh as Neytiri smacks his stomach and fixes his arms. It was like watching a little boy get scolded.

My eyes go back to Tsu'tey still feeling his gaze on me, and yet it looked softer this time for a split second, it almost felt like my mind made it up as he curls his lip at me looking away. Bastard.


"This is a very important part." Norm explains as he gestures his hand from his forehead, Jake and I following.

"I see you."

Norm focuses on the task and shakes his head, "No, I see you."

Jake tries again, "I see you."

Norm sighs and shakes his head, "But it's not just about, ''I'm seeing you in front of me,'' It's ''I see into you. I see you.''"

Jake seems to grasp it as I lean back in my chair watching them.

I run after Neytiri following in her steps. I was much faster than before, steadier and more balanced as I ran on the length of the tree limb. She hops upward and grabs a low hanging branch; she throws herself up and onto a different limb.

I take a deep breath and jump, grabbing onto it with both hands, I throw myself up and just barely make it onto the edge. I grab onto her extended hand as I stumble, I steady my feet with a proud smile and let her go as I move to look back at Jake as he stops all his momentum and jumps to grab onto the branch, he makes it just as I did but it went smoother than mine had.


I sit atop Saek watching Jake try again with Pale. I smile widely as he gets it,

"Yeah! Check it out!" He goes too fast much too quickly and ends up on the ground in the mud again. I trot over and laugh at him, almost toppling off Saek

"Crap." He sputters and gets up.

"We've learned to read trails, track the water trails."

I stay low to the floor following Neytiri as she runs her hand over a plant on a tree. The rain felt nice, hitting my skin and hair. She looks at the ground crouching lower as she smells something, looking up as we crawl up a bank steadily as the rain clears. I smile when I see a mother thanator watching over her babies.

"I took over learning more warrior variants, the bow, weapons, the skill of it all. Neytiri tried her best teaching me what she knew."

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