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As I hit the water I couldn't shift my body in time and my feet hit the bottom—I could feel the pain shoot up my right foot as it twisted painfully. Limbs pushing out in the water as I propel myself up and towards the surface.

Gasping as I break the surface of the water, blinking as I let out a cry reaching my hands down in the water to grasp my ankle as the current sweeps me along—in too much pain to care until a hand wraps around my arm yanking me backward and onto the arm of a tree that grew into the water.

I let out a groan of pain as Jake helps pull me out of the water,

"You okay?" He asks,

I nod breathlessly, "Yeah, you?"

He nods as we look up at the Thanator howling and snapping its teeth at us from above—clearly it didn't want to jump after us. He pulls my arm as we walk back into the forest, no idea where we ended up, no idea on how to get back.


I sit beside Jake on the floor as he takes a knee, both of us covered by a large Pseudocycas plant as he carves a thick stick into a spear. He looks around us, more alert then I'd really expected him to be. I lean back against the trunk of the pseudocyas closing my eyes for a minute until I hear Jake stand, the crunch making me open my eyes to find his hand outstretched to me, I take it and stand up.

When I hurt my ankle back at the waterfall Jake had managed to look at it, it was twisted pretty back but fortunately not broken, I was a liability at this point and yet he still held on.

Wrapping one arm around my upper abdomen he lugs me along with him as the day loses its light, I let out a small hiss of pain as he hops over things.

My head turns upward and I look back at the trees when I hear something move above us, Jake doesn't seem to notice it and keeps going. Ignoring the noises from above, I look ahead of us—displacing it out of my mind.


Jake sits me down and takes the spear he had carved hours earlier and covered it in tree sap, kneeling next to me. He kept a mindful eye out as he looks around him at the cluttering and chirping of animals surrounding us.

He took the match box he had out of his mouth and pulled a match out attempting to start it, it duds a few times and he grows more paranoid—ending up getting it in one final swipe and hurries to light the sap covered cloth.

He span around and thrashes the lit spear around spooking the creatures hunting us, a pack of viperwolves they're eyes glowing as they lifted their jowls jumping back, of course there just had to be more trying to eat us.

I slowly come to a stand and stay close to Jake as the group of black nocturnal animals snap their teeth at us, snarling and growling as they come in closer. The fire lit their eyes up to glow a green, spine chilling as dozens of those beady eyes popped up.

I keep a steady pace with Jake as he keeps backing up more and more, I forget about my hurt ankle as the need to survive kicks in. I follow Jake over a group of rocks and onto a curved tree, hopping off of it, we continue trying to slowly get away from them.

He lifts the stick up as the animals' part ways, some on the ground others up in the tree. We get caught up without a way out and we're surrounded by the nocturnal animals that seemed to portray the same behavior as Coyotes do.

The small but nimble creatures growl and snap their teeth at us. Using the fire to our advantage, he shoves it outward scaring them enough to back up away from him. He spins around scaring and pushing them away with the fire,

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