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I follow behind Jake, my ankle wrapped in what I assume to be Na'vi medicine. The top piece I had on was similar to hers as its rough material moved against my breasts, it was a little awkward and it'll be a while before I'm used to it, probably.

I walk up the spiral and look at the Omatikaya people as they sit crouched and waiting, a few staring at us. Jake messes with his bottom piece, pulling it and adjusting it.

"Good evening." He awkwardly greets the people he passed, and I brush past him feeling no need. I'm an alien to them, they'd give less shits if I said hi or not.

"Please don't get up." He jokes and pushes my back to go faster, I glare at him as I step over hands and tails. I look back as Jake steps on a tail,

"Sorry." He rushes out and we get beside Neytiri, she was closer to her parents and the warrior leaders—being the chief's daughter obviously. She shoves Jake down by the shoulder and I lower myself to a sit, unable to crouch with my ankle, it looked a bit clumsy.

"Hey, how you doin." Jake greets a man beside him; I slap his arm and nod to the front. I meet eyes with that one Na'vi again, how it keeps happening is beyond me.

He curls his lip up at me and glares. I stare at him before rolling my eyes and taking the food given to me. His eyes staying on me as I eat the delicious meat, what it was I could care less about. It was tasty.

I hover my hand above my leaf plate that held the meat and look straight at the Na'vi man who slowly ate his food his eyes for some fucking reason still on me. I cock a brow and stare directly at him for a minute till he's forced to look away. I could already tell he was a bastard, makes my eye twitch.


I follow Neytiri up the spiral tree more as Jake looks around. She jumps onto a separated limp and down into a hammock looking thing, Jake does the same and I slide down on my butt; It looked like a hammock but definitely didn't feel like it. I sigh and turn onto my side, closing it on my own once I figured out that touch helped. I wanted back into my body; this one was in too much pain to tolerate.

I close my eyes and when I open them, I'm immediately blinded by a flashlight,

"Tegan, are you with me?"

I cough and nod. "Yeah,"

I'm sat up with some help and I take a moment to adjust to my body again. I felt like it'd been longer than it probably was—my joints were stiff, and I felt a bit wonky.

"You okay Nasrine?" She asks with a bit of concern,

I look up at her and nod, getting to my feet, I walk over to Jake's machine and see Norm and Grace there.

"Damn you were dug in like a tick." Grace laughs as she helps him sit up. I walk past Norm and pat Jake's shoulder with a grin, feeling a lot better outside of my avatar.

"Are the Avatar's safe?" I gave Grace a smug look,

"Yeah Doc, and you are not gonna believe where we are." Jake laughs out—you could practically taste the smugness in the air.


I sit next to Norm shoving food into my mouth like I've been starved for years.

"The last thing we see are these two's asses disappearing into the brush with this angry thanator coming after them." Grace explains and everyone laughs,

"Hey, it's not something you can teach." I look at Max as he laughs,

"That is awesome."

"For reasons I cannot fathom, the Omatikaya have chosen you two. God help us all." Grace chuckles with a smile on her face. Being called the 'chosen ones' feels cheesy and cliche almost.

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