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"Jake, get your blue ass back here!" I yell as he jumps over hurdles and almost runs into a large machine,

"Sully!" I shout chasing him the same way he went, I glare at the back of his head as I keep up with him. I get beside him and push him as he suddenly stops.

"You jackass! The fuck are you doing." He just laughs and wiggles his feet in the soil,

"Hey Marine!"

We both look at the female Avatar walking up to us,

"Damn." He says beneath his breath as he looks Grace up and down–I nudge the man next to me with the roll of my eyes.

"Grace?" He chuckles out with a smile,

"Well, who'd you expect numbnuts." Grace smiles and grabs two weirdly shaped fruits off a plant and throws them.

"Think fast."

Sully catches one and I catch the other fumbling with it. I twirl it in my hands, looking it over before biting into mine. The juices spilling out all over me as I pull it away, licking my lips—this had to be the best fruit I've ever had.

"What is this?"

Grace looks at me and crosses her arms, "Pandora fruit,"

I eat some more of it realizing just how hungry I was. I could live off this alone if it could sustain my avatar.


As night comes around I have actual clothes—It was an old tank top that rode up my stomach showing my pelvic V-line and some black shorts. Comfortable enough for the time being until I get my mission uniform:

"Come on everybody, quiet down. Alright gang, lights out."

I sit on Sully's bed as he examines his braid and queue, the tendrils slithering around looking for something to connect to. I point at what exactly he was looking at,

"That's what connects you to the plants, animals and such of Pandora. It's amazing really. It's also how Na'vi connect as mates." I show him mine and he nods,

"Don't play with that, you'll go blind." Grace warns with a smile as she strides past us, I drop it and get up.

"G'night Sully."

He smiles, "Night Nesrin."

I go over to my bed and sit down with a sigh, exhaustion hitting me.


I sit in my rooming area on the bed as I open the Na'vi language book. I still needed to study no matter where the fuck I was, the whole point of my being here was to reach for the Omatikaya, and to do that I needed to know the basics of their language.

I knew I had a chance between living or being killed by them. It was slim that I'd coexist within their clan knowing what happened between us and them. It was terrible to learn, the grief it must've caused.


"Links ready."

I look at the woman who helped me the first time,

"Have fun in there, kid."

I give her a sweet smile as I close the top, I rest my head down and sigh as I close my eyes—when I opened them again I was in the Avatar shelter. I sit up and look towards Jake who got up momentarily after me,

"Come on! Up you go." Grace strides up, in full attire for today. I follow her out as she led us.


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