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I lead Lavender onto a gunship and take it down, she bites and throws a man out the side door letting the ship spin and crash into the side of a mountain. I let out a howl as I pull the trigger of my gun spraying bullets down on gunships.

Two going down and hitting the mountains, they broke their formation and start attacking back harder. I slide the gun I had over my shoulder and grab my bow. I pull back and release, letting it hit a pilot straight through the glass, it goes down slamming into another both exploding in the air. I let out a shout when a banshee was shot down, its rider falling from the sky. Jake grabs a ship with Toruks claws and throws it into another.

I fly by the opening of the shuttle and use the gun to shoot down a few men. I hiss at them going up avoiding their bullets, missiles are shot and hit into banshee and Na'vi. I scream as a Na'vi man slams into me from above, he lets out a grunt, blood gushing from his chest. I let out a gasp as he slips off Lavender.

I try and grab his arm, but he slips through my hold, I dive down and grab his arm. I throw him onto her back keeping one arm around his chest as I use my free arm to hold the gun up and shoot.

I set the gun on my lap as I press the radio on my neck, "Sully, I have a problem."

"Nasrine," there was an air of worry in his tone.

"A have an injured Na'vi and nowhere to go." I look around me weaving past falling banshee and ships. I look up and spot Tsu'tey as he swoops in from above me and looks at the grunting Na'vi behind me.

"Come." He speaks quickly and breaks off to the right, I follow and land safely on a large boulder. I hop off and dump the man there, he was safe if he lived, and his body was safe to retrieve if he died. I jump on Lavender as Tsu'tey and I part ways again.

"Jake! Jake! You copy! We're getting hammered! We're falling back!"

"Copy get out of there."

I weave past a ship and shoot down a separate one. I spot Trudy as she flies in above the shuttle shooting it, saving Jake from being blown to bits. I look away from her as I'm slammed into by a panicking banshee. I let out a scream as I slip from my own.

I free fall a few feet until I slam onto Lavender again. She squawks at me, and I pat her neck as I reconnect us, I fly up and get back into the action. I fly past the shuttle again and see Tsu'tey jump onto the ramp, I jump off Lavender and help him, shooting a few men with my arrows.

I felt my throat squeeze and my eyes widened when a soldier shoots Tsu'tey. He grunts and falls back out of the shuttle doors, I let out a panicked scream. I reel my bow back and slam it into the man who shot him.

I leave them for dead as I dive out of the ship, going down with Tsu'teys body. Lavender catches me from beneath my body and I dive faster to the ground. A few Na'vi follow my lead. I get cut from the group as a gunship herds me a different way. I let out a hiss as I pull an arrow back and release it. I press on and fly upward down men as I go.

"Tsu'tey, brother. Do you read?" I hear Jake's disembodied voice over the radio.

My mind was frantic and bloodthirsty as I avenged my assumed dead mate. I let out a scream as I jump on top of a gunship ripping the men out of the side doors, I jump onto my banshee as it goes down.

I throw one into another using Lavender's claws, I look around me at the chaos, it all seems to be going in slow motion as I put a mental block on my emotions.

I break from myself when I hear Neytiri's voice. "Jake. Eywa has heard you."

I look up at the sounds of Ikran screeching. Thousands fly towards the shuttle and gunships attacking them, "Eywa has heard you!"

I let out a relieved breath knowing I can look for Tsu'tey. I dive down where I saw him fall and land in the forest quickly,

"Tsu!" I scream jumping off of Lavender when I see the group of Na'vi from earlier. A woman is crouched beside him when I run up to him. She steps back as I kneel down, I place my hand on his chest.

"Are you okay, my love?" I ask my other hand cupping his sweaty cheek, he scrunches his face up in a grimace. I look down and see about three, four bullet holes.

Three on his right side and one more on his left stomach area. I let out a cry as I press my hand down on the one on his stomach. He grips that hand tightly in pain,

"It's okay... it's okay." I shush him gently, laying my head on his shoulder as I whisper comforts into his ear, gently caressing my fingers along his cheek.

"I'll get you help. I promise, I will help you." I look at my handprint on his heart in white paint. His own across my left breast. I hold back my tears and I look down at his pained face, I clutch his hand tightly.

My face scrunched up in grief and helplessness as I try and hold back my tears. He gasps and his back arches off the mossy rock he's laid up against,

"Stay with me, we'll get you help, okay?" I plead with him, placing my hand on his chest as I release a soft cry.

"Nga yawne lu oer, I love you, please." I sob out laying my head on his shoulder,

"Nga yawne lu oer..." He repeats to me in broken words as he grunts in pain. I move my hands to his face and cup his cheeks, looking into his eyes I smile through my pain and press a kiss to his head. I look behind us as Neytiri and Jake run down to us.

I hold a hand out to Neytiri and she grabs it immediately crouching down at my side, placing her remaining hand on his leg. Jake and Tsu'tey greet each other as he gasps.

"Oel ngati kameie, JakeSully."

"I see you, brother." I squeeze his hand my chest tight as I watch his slowly leave me as time passes,

"Are the people safe?" Jake nods,

"They're safe." His face scrunches up in pain again as he looks down at his chest, lifting his hand to look at the blood.

"I cannot lead the people; you must lead them." Neytiri looks at Jake as I keep my eyes trained on my mate.

"I'm not office material."

"It is decided." He takes Jake's hand and moves it to his knife, I lurch forward and slap the hands away from the weapon, releasing a hiss I look at Tsu'tey.

"No, we will not do this." His eyes soften as he looks at me, lifting his hand to my face. I lean into it,


I shake my head letting go of the threshold I had on my emotions. "I can't lose you..."

He gives me a pained smile. "You will be okay,"

I shake my head, refusing to believe that. He slowly and gently pushes me away from protecting him. Looking back at Jake he nods, "Do the duty."

He pulls the knife out using Jake's hand. Neytiri pulls me from Tsu'tey as I sob clinging to her arms.

"I will not kill you," Jake refuses,

"It is the way! It is rule. I will be remembered. I fought with Toruk Makto, we were brothers. And he was my last shadow."

I reach for Tsu'teys hand and grasp it in my own hand trying to ground myself, convince myself this was the right way. The way it had to be. But it wasn't, it shouldn't.

It won't...

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