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I look up and around me at the aftermath of the fallen Hometree. Screams of agony and grief all around us. I look at Mo'at as she screams in horror at the scene in front of us. I watch as Jake runs off to find Neytiri, I run after him shouting his name. He hops over broken limbs and debri, I follow in his wake.

"Neytiri!" he calls out, hopping over a broken tree limb. We both approach her sitting next to Eytukan. I cover my mouth in realization. She cries over him speaking quietly in Na'vi, wailing in her grief as Jake places his hand comfortingly on the back of her neck.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He repeatedly says,

"Get away." She cries out, before screaming it and standing up aggressively.

"Get away!" She hits him with the tip of her bow before shoving him,

"Get away from here! Never come back!" She yells before going back over to her fathers dead body and cradling him.

"Jake..." I quietly place a hand on his arm as he watches her helplessly, his ears pinned to his head. He reaches for my arm, missing it in his grasp on trying not to cry at the sight of his mate.

He eventually does grab my arm and walks us away, doing what she asked. I stumble with him as I look at him in sadness, "Jake–"

I felt my eyes roll back into my head as I collapsed,

"Let's go!" I hear a disembodied voice yell at me as I'm lifted up and out of the link machine. I'm held bridal style until I'm tossed onto my feet. I struggle to stay steady as I look around dazed.

"Put him down!" I look at Norm cuffed to the rail,

"You murderer!" Grace yells anger flowing off her, it pierced the room.


I sit beside Grace in the silent cell, staring up at the fluorescent light until it burns my eyes. I slowly look down and out the cell door when I hear Trudy.

"Long time no see brother."


Trudy wheels in a food cart. "Personally, I don't think these tree-hugging traitors deserve steak."

The security man bows down to look into it. "They get steak? That's bullshit lemme see that.''

She chuckles and walks around to him and pulls a gun pointing it at the back of his head. "Yeah, you know what that is. Down."

She makes the dude get on the ground,

"Trudy!" Norm gets up and steps closer,

"All the way down." She knocks him out with the butt of her gun before shoving it in the waist of her overalls.

"Max!" She calls out for the geeky scientist, and he comes rushing in, using his keycard he unlocks the door and lets us out.


We run down the hallway, Trudy in front with her gun pulled,

"Trudy, fire up the ship! Go!" Jake says gesturing with his head for Norm to go with.

"Here." She hands him a gun and they gun ahead of us. We reach the door and Jake stops Max grabbing his bicep.

"Max, stay here I need someone on the inside I can trust."

Max nods, "Okay, go."

I rush ahead of Jake and grab a mask for myself and toss one to Jake. We rush out into the area and run to Trudy's gunship, Jake stops at the side, and we help him get in.

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