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"Ning look, this is a pretty one, just like you", Beidou showed me a pretty hairpin shaped in a Glaze Lily lined with intricate gold.

"We'll be taking that one, Linlang.", I gestured to the hairpin Beidou picked out for me. It's been a week since we made up. We spent most of our days together and I've been more laid back these days.

We were taking a night stroll.We were spending our last day together before she sets sail to Inazuma again, I don't know for what though, she usually tells me why.

Linlang packed the hairpin and many other things we bought. "Please come back again, Lady Ningguang and Captain Beidou!."

"We will.", Me and Beidou headed towards the exit, with our purchases in tow.

"So where's our next destination, my lady?", She looped her arm around my waist, pulling me closer to her.

"The Jade Chamber."

"Huh?, we're going back so early?"

"Why?, Is there a problem with that?", I question her.

"No, I'm fine with anything as long as I'm with you."

"Are you trying to woo me Captain Beidou?"



I brought us back to the Jade Chamber because I had prepared a surprise for her.

"Okay, now close your eyes.", I told Beidou.

Beidou chuckled and covered her eyes. I guided her to the balcony where I had my staff prepare us a candle-lit dinner.

"Now you can open them."

"Wow Ning, you didn't have to do all this."

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