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"I wanted to, who knows how long you'll be in Inazuma, we should make the most of our time.", Ningguang hugged me from behind, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise.", I turned to face her and took her lips in mine.

"Okay, that's enough for now, sit down, we need to eat!", Ningguang pulled away, laughing softly.

I pulled the seat out for her to sit in, in which she refused. I gave her a confused stare.



"Aren't you gonna sit down?, this dinner is for us isn't it?", I motioned at the chair in front of me.

"What's a dinner without food?", Ningguang asked.

"Huh?, there's no food?"

"Yes, which is why I'm going to cook.", Ningguang walked to a stove that I didn't notice and put on an apron around her waist.

"You?, You're going to cook?", I walked over to her, sliding my hand around her waist.

"Mmhm, got a problem with that?.", She raised a brow at me.

"None at all chef, so what's on your menu?"

"Hmm, first, your favourite, Flash-Fried Fillet", Ningguang pulled out some ingredients and turned the fire on.

"How did you know it was my favourite?", I asked her. I'm quite shocked, I've never told her this before.

"Don't forget Beidou, I am the Tianquan, I know everything.", Ningguang smugly said.


Ningguang laughed after seeing my incredulous reaction to her statement.

"I asked Xiangling for a few tips and tricks.", She said while skillfully stirring the dish.

"Tch, stalker."

Ningguang laughed even louder. I've never seen her this aloof and vulnerable, it was nice to see.


After we finished cooking, we sat down to eat and enjoy the night. Of course, I couldn't let her cook alone, so I also cooked her favorite dish. It's not only her who knows something about the other.

"Thank you again for preparing all this, Ning.", I said.

She stood from her seat and walked over towards me, and plopped herself down on my lap.

She looped her arms around my neck, bringing our faces closer. I rested my hand on her lower back, and grabbed her hip to steady her on my lap.

"So, what's my reward?", she smiled cheekily at me.

"Oh? So this was all for a reward?", I playfully pinched her waist.

"Ow Beid—

I kissed her before she could finish her words. I trailed kisses down her neck and softly sucked on the spot she liked so much. She shivered under my touch, squirming on my lap.

"Ningguang, stop moving.", I slapped her behind, and continued to leave sloppy kisses on her.

Ningguang was now straddling me, grinding her core on my thigh. She was moaning and trembling while I rolled her hardened peaks with my fingers.

"Ning, w-we shouldn't do this here.", I was suddenly made aware with my surroundings, worrying that her staff could be turning around a corner and see us at any minute.

"Don't worry, I ordered my staff to move out of the Jade Chamber just for tonight."

"Smart girl, well in that case..."

It was going to be a long night.


thirsty mfs

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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