chapter 6

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next morning i woke up at 6 causse i didn't want to be late. i put on the first pair of clothes i saw and started making my breakfast. everyone was sleeping so i has to be very quiet. then i packed my bag. i chose the most random clothes i thought i would need. then i grabbed my bag and left the house. i took some pictures of the sunrise and got inside the car. i called katie to let her know i was going. and started driving to her house.

when we arrived there were lots of people there already. then brandon came up to me to say hi.
then at 7:30 principal adam announced that we were going to be split as groups of two just because we were so many. i saw all the girls going up to brandon so principal would see them together and put them in the same group.

"chelsea and sarrah will be together" principal adams said "brandon and......." then i saw brandon shaking his head in denial and i giggled. then he looked at me "chase. brandon and chase" oh fuck. why him. out of all this people why is brandon the one i have to share a tent with for a week?

"katie and jaden" he said. i kooked over katie and bursted out laughing.

"no that can't be right i might kill him" she said

"well at least he's not brandon" i said

he came up to me.

"hi" and he smiled. he looked stupid with that smile. "so were partners i guess"

"yeah" i think i looked very annoyed.but i wasn't. there was something about brandon so fucking annoying yet so fucking interesting and mysterious. his green eyes and his black hair. or maybe the jacket he has been wearing everyday since the start of the school year. i think thats because he can show off his muscles well in that jacket so all the girls will like him even more.

"cool." i think he saw the annoying face. he rubbed his hand on his neck and left.

"well that was akward." katie said. "jackson and i-" and i interrupted.

"how many times do you have to mention jackson you have only been together for a week oh my god" i rolled my eyes.

"sorry. but let me finish now." she said "jackson and i think that you are in love."

"PFFFFF. in love? yeah right?" i laughed "with who exactly?"

"brandon." i bursted out laughing. i have never laughed so hard in my entire life.

"BRANDON??? OH KATIE YOURE SO FUNNY" i couldn't stop laughing

"yeah whatever we will see about that. you will say that i was right"

"yeah yeah.....for sure" i wiped my tears.


we got inside the bus and i put my headphones on. what made katie think im in love with brandon? that jock i hated for my entire life? and jackson? he doesn't even know me. how would he know what i look like when im in love.

for whatever reason i couldn't stop thinking about that night at the party. why did i cry when i saw brandon kissing that guy? but i hate brandon. theres no reason for me to cry because of him. then why would i make out with thomas? and why would brandon take me home? why did he even care about me? if he actually cared he wouldn't leave me alone and start picking on me. but he did. but all of a sudden he cares about me? and why did he sleep on the roof? does he still watch the moon like we did when we were kids? i had so many questions and i didn't know answer to any of them.

turns out i was staring at brandon for the whole time and i noticed katie looking at me. i looked back at her and she gave me a weird smirk while she raised her eyebrows. i knew what smirk meant so i just shook my head. then she rolled her eyes and chuckled. even though didn't say a word we still had a whole ass argument with our eyes. it sucks when your best friend can communicate with eyes sometimes. sometimes she can even read my thoughts and its scary.

i really had to talk to brandon. about.....i dont know yet but i will soon, and i will talk to him about that. i sighed deeply. what is happening to me?


we arrived at the camp and started building our tents. brandon and i were supposed to do "teamwork" but honestly brandon was the one to do the whole thing. the tent was quite big and comfy. we placed our stuff there and started gathering sticks to start a fire. we went to forest and grabbed sticks. then i started the fire while brandon sat there waiting for me. i started a fire. then brandon burned sausages. they were still tasty though. then brandon showed me a bottle of tequila he brought with him even though he was not supposed to and we drank.

after a while of drinking we got drunk. i know were not supposed to drink know....anyways we decided to take a walk in forest. even though we couldn't really walk. it was evening already and the sun was about to set. in the forest we found a lake. and ofc we had to jump in even though it was cold already. the lake was beautiful and the sun set was awesome. we laughed uncontrollably. after a while of swimming we decided to go back to our tent. we changed our clothes and laid down. you could see the moon from there.

"this reminds me of our childhood" brandon said.

" you still watch the moon from your window every night?"

"yea. its an old habit." he smiled "do you?"

"always" i replied.

"it was nice when we used to spend every night together." he said.

"why did that change then?" i asked "why did you change all of a sudden?"

he stayed quiet for a while.

"i dont know. maybe it was because of my age. i wanted to be popular." he said. i could feel that something about it wasn't true. old brandon hated being popular. "but we can still be friends. the same way we were before. and forget about what i did. if you can forgive me of course."

"i can forgive you." i smiled.

the rest of the night we stayed quiet and watched the night sky.

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