chapter 13

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it was the day. the truth would be finally out. we were going to meet sarrah to talk to her. shit every thought went in my mind at the same time. what if brandon talked to sarrah already and told her what to say when we arrived? i was so nervous. i haven't talked to brandon since that day. i have been ignoring his texts and calls. katie has been mad at me for a while. shit im losing everyone. everything is my fault. im acting so strange.

brandon picked me up to drive me at the park where we would meet sarrah. the ride was so quiet that we could hear each other breathing. i noticed that brandon was very nervous. i didnt know why. maybe he actually cheated and i was right from the beggining? but i still didn't want to believe that. a part of me still trusted brandon with my life.

as soon as we arrived we saw sarrah. she wasn't alone. sarrah and some boy were standing near the tree. i didn't know who the boy was until we got closer to them. it was will. will was brandons best friend. i looked over brandon and he was as confused as i was.


"oh hey brandon" will smiled at him "hi there pretty boy" he winked at me. i found myself blushing as soon as he said that. will was a really handsome boy with an amazing style. i never noticed that before.

"hi" i said akwardly.

"will what are you doing here?"

"yeah about that. can i talk to you guys in private for a few seconds?"

"sure." brandon rolled his eyes.

"we'll be back soon sarrah." will said.

we walked over to the nearest chair.

"will what the fuck are you doing here?"

"dude sarrah asked me to come with her and i couldn't say no. she was literally begging."

"so what? dude whose side are you on? i thought you were my best friend?"

"i am i am i promise." he said "i didnt want to come i promise. i dont even know what you're going to talk about."

"sarrah called me babe and chase was on the phone so now he thinks i cheated."

"i wouldn't be surprised" will shrugged.

i gave brandon a side eye.

"what do you mean by that?" i noticed brandons tone getting angry.

"dude chill im joking"

"yeah you better be."

"lets go now"

we went back to sarrah.

"hey baby." he put her hand on brandons chest.

"get off sarrah and dont call me that ever again!"

"but you liked when i called you that." i was about to rip her hair off her head.

"i am warning you sarrah leave chase and i the fuck alone."

"now that your secrets out you act like you dont like me anymore?"

"there was nothing between us sarrah" brandon was oddly calm.

"brandon tell me the truth." i told him "did you actually fuck sarrah?"

"no i didn't. tell him sarrah. say the truth. or else im going to fuck up your entire life."

"fine. we didn't fuck. i said this cause i wanted you to break up." she chuckled.

"finally." brandon sighed in relief.

"i don't believe you. i dont believe any of you. you're all getting on my nerves!" i started shaking.

"leave this boy alone brandon. we both know i am a better partner."

"no sarrah you're not!"

i noticed will looked concerned. he hasn't said anything the entire time but he finally spoke.

"will you stop fighting? look at chase. he's fucking shaking but no one gives a shit! why did you even bring him here brandon? to make him suffer? honestly you are both toxic as fuck and you dont deserve to have partners. im fucking leaving. chase do you wanna come?"

"yeah." i honestly couldn't take them anymore.

brandon and sarrah looked stunned when we left. he took me to his car. he had a nice car. his dad is the mayor of the town and honestly i always thought he was a spoiled brat but he was totally different than i expected.

"thanks for getting me out of there. i really appreciate it." i smiled.

"anytime." he smiled back "are you okay though? you're shaking. your breathing heavily and your eyes are watering. considering the list i made you're not okay. wanna talk about it? sorry its a psychology student habit." he laughed awkwardly.

"thanks for caring about me will. it's really nothing its just i don't know who to trust anymore. everyone seems so fake to me right now."

"hey look. you don't have to trust anyone. just take a break for a while. you really need it."

"take a break from everyone?"

"no not everyone just people that exhaust you. for example brandon."

"you think i shouldn't trust him?"

"i honestly don't know chase. even though he is my best friend hes still a mystery to me. one  hes a fucking player and the next day he suddenly changes and is in a serious relationship. when it comes to brandon i cant give good advices because brandon has many personalities and he uses all of them. im not saying hes bad or anything but you know he has cheated in the past."

"yeah i know and thats why its hard to trust him. i will talk to him again. alone. but not right now. i dont have enough energy."

"yeah just make sure to take care of yourself too. dont care too much about others. just remember if you need anyone to talk to im right here. you know...thats kind of my future job." he chuckled "anyways if you ever need free sessions i could give you a 100% discount" he winked at me. there was something very majestic about him. "here...have my number in case you need it. text me if you need somebody to talk to." he smiled, took a piece of paper and a pen and started writing his number.

"thanks a lot will."

"please make sure you talk to brandon. im worried about him. i think that everything will get better you just have to wait."

"yeah i will."

"thanks chase"


he drove me to my house. later that night he texted me and asked me if i was okay. why was he acting so nice lately? we have never really been close. he was weird. but still very amazing. there was something about him. maybe his smile. or his sparkly eyes. or his tiny nose. or his freckles. something about him that made him look like a great person. shit why was i thinking about him?

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