𝟏.𝟏𝟐 - 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞

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— 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝟏 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏𝟐 —

WARNING: from this chapter forward this book will be labeled as mature as some content moving forward will have mature themes that may also be sensitive to some readers. Please read at your discretion.

(Harry's POV)

I shivered as the frigid sea air constantly whipped at my bare body, the whistling sounds it made and the rattling of chains above me being the only thing to catch my ears for hours. My breathing was shallow and uneven as my body swayed from my suspended wrists, the skin slowly being rubbed raw from the consistent hours of tension the metal cuffs on my wrists had on it.

I struggled to keep my eyes open, fighting sleep in fear of what was next for me. I tried to focus on the way my own blood slowly dripped off of me onto the grimy wooden floor, and piece back together how I found myself in this situation to begin with...

oh yeah...

。・゚゚・(Two Days Ago) ・゚゚・。

As I made my way to the cafeteria I smiled as I noticed the girl I was dying to see on the other end of the hall, making her way to the same destination. She smiled at me once I caught her eye and gave me a big wave, both of which I returned but not before feeling a firm grip on my arm, making me stop. I looked back and saw Parker wave to her as well before nodding at me with dark eyes.

"Send her on her way, and come with me, we need to talk." He muttered. I felt my body stiffen at this before I looked back at Ruby with a harmless grin, motioning for her to go in without me. I saw her tilt her head with a confused look before she followed Lonnie anyway.

"Alright..." was all I said to him before I followed him around the corner and into an empty classroom "What's this about?" I snapped and stood closer to the door as he sighed and slowly sat against the edge of the teacher's desk.

"The deal I mentioned the other day. Well, I wouldn't really call it a deal, more like an ultimatum." He smirked while waving his hand in the air.

"What do you want?" I spat with narrowed eyed as Pan played with useless items next to him on the desk.

"I want you gone. Out of the picture. Out of my way." He said darkly and peered up at me through his brows "When the time comes, after the coronation, when you all fail at taking over Auradon, I want you to seek Fairy Godmother and Ben and confess to your crimes of treason." He stood away from the desk while twirling a pen in his hand, walking towards me "To ensure you don't just end up with a little slap on the wrist, you're going to tell them that it was your idea from the very beginning."

"How do you know that-" I stopped myself when the pen he was tossing stopped mid-air and was surrounded by a green aura, my eyes trailed back down to him as his eyes glowed that same viridian and he held a flat, stale expression.

"Let me finish." He said and slowly started to circle me, the pen in the air following him "You will also confess that it was you who "assaulted" the guard at the museum, it was you who found the spell in Mal's book to curse Ben as well as practically forcing the others to go along with it, it was you who made Jane insecure, causing her to spiral, and finally... you were the one, to come up with the plan, to kill Fairy Godmother and the royal family for the wand on the day of the coronation, if all else fails." He finished with a wide smirk as he stood in front of me, the pen slowly inching closer to me "Conspiracy to commit, quite a hefty charge." He said and sighed in satisfaction.

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