Part one-A friend

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Disclaimer: there will be strong language

Third P.O.V

Inkopolis a city bustling with life its a Friday the day is perfect its warm like a blanket on a cold day, outside there's not an unbearable humidity that lingers like a suffocating blanket or those hugs you get from you grandma its a normal day in Inkopolis atleast it seems that way...

suddenly though the inklings crowd around the square as a massive t.v in the middle of a building seems to light up with the words off the hook two figures appear one short with white hair fading into a light pink one tall with brown hair fading into a light teal or maybe turquoise they announce battle stages which are deemed unnecessary by ?? And ?? Though the short girl suddenly freaks out which grabs the attention of both mystery        
people she announces hastily how the great zapfish has disappeared and callie an idol apart of the squid sisters group has gone missing they mull over the subject and completely skip most of it as the t.v powers down and the crowd disperses to continue what they were previously doing in the square.

?? One P.O.V
How irresponsible how do you just lose a massive energy source what happened, did it just go missing over night and no one noticed like how is that even possible do they not have a security guard or someone to guard something that literally power's your entire way of living I would sigh right now but honestly I don't have the energy to do so, I also don't understand why the short girl skipped over an entire person who pretty much has given this city its life and color like why would you not send a search party.

?? Two P.O.V
I can't even say I'm disappointed its to be expected they're just squids who literally pass entire laws through an inconsistent game that guarantees a win if your only slightly good at what you do, and now they completely skip over an idol someone who is apart of their culture and don't send a search party out to atleast attempt at finding her honestly I hate how I'm surrounded by such IGNORANCE.

Third P.O.V
As the two figures stand side by side voicing their thoughts they slowly look over to one another and nod in agreement about each others opinions, soon enough the shorter one starts a conversation about what's been happening and how its weird that the great zapfish has disappeared a second time eventually the other inklings disperse from around the square so the two move their conversation to a nearby bench.

?? One P.O.V

"I know it might sound rude asking after we just met but could I have your name" I asked "hmmm so We haven't exchanged greetings yet have we I'm sorry I got lost in our conversation" the taller one said "I'll go first then my name is Maria I'm an inkling and I'm 18" I said "I see very well then I'm Y/n and I'm 20" the now named Y/n said.

Y/n P.O.V
I've been having a conversation with an inkling named Maria "say I dont want you to freak out but I've noticed someone staring at us since the moment we've sat down" I spoke in a low tone "For eel" Maria whispers aggressively "Yes now stop being so loud, I say we approach carefully and cautiously do you agree" I whisper back "Yes I want to know why we're being stared at and by who" she answers "alright on the count of three we get up and start to head that direction understood" I replied "Yes I understand" she answers "okay one.......two.......three.......start moving" As we stand up we slowly start walking that way acting like we're still talking we get about 15 yards away before they turn into a squid and slip through the grate Maria rushes over, I raise my voice for her to stop but she ignores me and slips through the grate also in her squid form "Dammit" I curse under my breath as I briskly walk over to the grate look around for anyone watching and open it and quickly jumping in the tube.

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