Part 19 - polygamy is confusing as hell!

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So there's gonna be a mega gap between this chapter,and the last one like two entire month's.
Reason being...

I have no fucking clue how to make a harem story make sense like how is he able to pull this many girls.

Cause shoot if I got problems even talking to girls I'm definitely gonna have a problem writing multiple girls in love with one man.

That being said I'll finish this story with a harem but future storys will have exactly 1 love interest.

Now you may be asking what the fuck happened in two months well all I can say is bro has ungodly charisma levels
Anyway on to the story.

Plus the ending is near...
Both for this story,and perhaps someone's life within this story.

Also any references could hint towards a future story but its not 100% guaranteed yet.

Italics for this chapter are in the past well except the ones above me

Third P.O.V

Two month's after last chapter

"So what your saying is I've gotta beat a super hyper squid on hypno juice with hypno glasses who's your cousin,and then proceed to beat a nuclear-powered octoling that's roughly 100 years old???" Y/n questions with three question marks looming over his head "that's exactly what I,and the rest of the girls have been telling you,but yes you need to." Marie finishes explaining for the hundredth or so time with a dead pan face with bags under her eyes sipping on some hot chocolate.

" Marie finishes explaining for the hundredth or so time with a dead pan face with bags under her eyes sipping on some hot chocolate

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"Fuccccccckkkkkkk! Me man!" Y/n yells out throwing his head back while throwing his arms in the air "this some bullshit." Y/n whispers under his breath exasperated "foods ready you two!" Marina shouts from the kitchen "yeah we're coming!" Marie yells back before standing up,and walking towards the kitchen while taking a seat beside pearl who's patiently waiting for diner Maria walks down the stairs in a nightgown rubbing her eyes from taking a nap earlier that day emma,and eli walk through the back door having sunbathed all day.

Marina walks through the kitchen door with multiple plates in her hands serving ,Pearl's,Marie's,Maria's,Eli's
Emma's,Y/n's,and finally she sits down having served everyone their food which was steak,potatoes,and macaroni,and cheese everybody grabbing their forks they all dig in while enjoying their food.

Timeskip Begin

The sky thundered loudly as if ragefull,The seas relentless as if worried,The earth shook as if weeping,The people distressed,antsy,and on the edge of their seats,The time around them slowed as if to prevent something,Yet the rain heavy like tears,and being of sorrow,For on this day a great hero was left behind a relic of the past,Zeus angry mad at such a fate after all he could've prevented it,Poseidon worried as he no not what has happened only the gut feeling to guide him,Hades wept as the greatest has met his end at the hand of a trusted one,The people around hoping it was but a prank or joke,Cronus the primordial of time wanting to prevent such a good source of entertainment leave him so soon,The tears gracing the dead's face one of sorrow,and pain,Upon this day a new being was born one who judges not evil,nor good a being of true neutrality,one who was the judge,deciding factor,and Executioner.

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