Tooth and Claw

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Raelle woke up, stretching out her limbs, as she sat up in bed, taking in her room

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Raelle woke up, stretching out her limbs, as she sat up in bed, taking in her room. The Doctor had organised a bedroom each for her and Rose within the TARDIS. He said the TARDIS decorates their rooms based on what it'll think they'll like.

Raelle's room definitely reflected her as a person. The walls were a clean white, wooden beams across the ceiling and down the walls. A cream carpet covered the floor. Her bed was a double, beams on all four posts, up towards the ceiling. Bookshelves covered the room, Raelle loved to read; an escape from reality. Her room was scattered in family photos, as well as her bed being scattered with multiple colourful throw pillows and blankets, adding to the cozy feel. Raelle loved it. 

Raelle, after getting ready, emerged to the console room, to find the Doctor intently looking at the screen, furrowed brows.

"Are you alight? You looked stressed." Raelle stated, as she walked towards the Doctor, trying to sneak at the screen. The Doctor jumped at her voice, pushing the screen away, getting rid of the contents of the screen, smiling towards the girl. 

On the screen, contained a scan of Raelle the Doctor had conducted as she slept, unknown to her. He needed to try and figure out what Cassandra meant. 

"Oh yes, absolutely fine. Just figuring our next trip. I'm thinking 1970's! Did you sleep well?" He asked Raelle, leaning against the console as Raelle slumped into the jumpseat, pulling her knees to her chest.

"Slept well thank you. Do Timelords ever have to sleep?" She asked, curious by the biology of a Timelord. 

He smiled at her curiosity. "Once every so often, every week or so."

"I could never go that long without sleep. I would become beyond moody." She mumbled.

"I wouldn't be surprised." The Doctor replied grinning, causing Raelle to scowl at the man.

"What do you think of this? Will it do?" Rose said as she entered the console room, dressed in a pink t-shirt and denim mini-dungarees. 

"Oh I love it. Will be borrowing that outfit at some point." Raelle smiled at her sister. 

"In the late 1970s? You'd be better off in a bin bag." The Doctor laughed. Rose looked at her sister, wiggling her eyebrows causing her younger sister to laugh. She came and perched on the arm of the seat. "Hold on, listen to this." The Doctor continued. Her puts a CD into the Tardis player. "Ian Dury and the Blockheads. Number One in 1979." He stated, looking at the sisters, a proud smile on his face. 

"You're a punk." Raelle laughed at his choice of music. 

"It's good to be a lunatic." The Doctor sang along, wiggling his eyebrows at her, causing her to laugh even more. 

"That's what you are. A big old punk with a bit of rockabillly thrown in." Rose added, giggling. 

"Would you like to see him?"

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