Age of Steel

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Raelle was still against the Doctor, turning away from the Cybermen as she accepted death

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Raelle was still against the Doctor, turning away from the Cybermen as she accepted death. The Doctor quickly reached into his pocket, pulling out the recharging Tardis power cell at the Cybermen, who get bent backwards and atomised by the golden energy. Raelle looked up at the sound, realising they were safe. She sighs, relieved, as the Doctor puts an arm around her waist for comfort.

"What the hell was that?" Rickey cried out, absolutely gobsmacked by what he had just witnessed.

"We'll have that instead." He turned, to see other cybermen advancing towards them. He grabbed Raelle's hand. "Run!" He shouted, as the ran down the drive of the estate. The sound of a horn was heard, as the van pulls up beside the house, the woman shouting for everyone to get in.

"I've got to go back. My wife's in there." Pete shouted, trying to go back. The Doctor stopped him, yanking on his arm.

"Anyone inside that house is dead. If you want to help, then don't let her die for nothing. You've got to come with us right now." He told the man. Raelle and Rose both paused looking at the house, as they thought about Jackie dying in the house. "Elle, Rose, she's not your mother." He told the pair, trying to get them to get into the van.

"I know." Rose replied, deflated. Raelle took her hand, smiling sadly with the girl as they made their way to the van. They drive off as more Cybermen follow them.

Rickey leaned forward as he sat in the van, giving the Doctor a glare. "What was that thing?"

"Little bit of technology from my home."

"It's stopped glowing." Raelle pointed out, pointing to the power cell. "Has it run out?"

"It's on a revitalising loop. It'll charge back up in about four hours." The Doctor explained.

Rickey sighed. "Right. So, we don't have a weapon anymore." He gestured to the power cell.

"Yeah, we've got weapons." Jake, Rickey's friend, told him, patting his gun. "Might not be one of those metal things, but they're good enough for men like him." He scowled at Pete.

"Leave him alone." Rose glared at Jake. "What's he done wrong?"

Jake scoffed. "Oh, you know, just laid a trap that's wiped out the Government and left Lumic in charge." He glared at Pete.

"If I was part of all that, do you think I'd leave my wife inside?" Pete argued, annoyed at the boy.

"Maybe your plan went wrong." Rickey snarked at Pete. "Still gives us the right to execute you, though."

"Talk about executions, you'll make me your enemy." The Doctor interrupted, glaring at Jake and Rickey. "And take some really good advice. You don't want to do that."

"All the same, we have evidence that says Pete Tyler's been working for Lumic since twenty point five." Rickey told the Doctor smugly.

"Is that true?" Raelle asked Pete, a frown on her face.

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