School Reunion

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The next morning, the pupils flooded the courtyard as school began

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The next morning, the pupils flooded the courtyard as school began. The Doctor, Rose, Raelle, Mickey and Sarah Jane stood in the courtyard, looking towards the school, ready to battle the Krillitanes.

"Rose and Sarah, you go to the Maths room. Crack open those computers, I need to see the hardware inside. Here, you might need this." The Doctor ordered them, fiddling inside his pocket for the screwdriver. Rose holds out her hand to collect the screwdriver, but the Doctor gives the screwdriver to Sarah. Hurt flashes across her face, doing her best not to show it. Raelle notices, giving her sister a sympathetic smile. "Mickey, surveillance. I want you outside."

"Just stand outside?" He scoffed.

"Here, take these you can keep K9 company." Sarah throws Mickey her car keys.

"Don't forget to leave the window open a crack." The Doctor joked walking off, leaving Mickey at the entrance.

"But he's metal!" Shouted after the man.

"I didn't mean for him." The Doctor joked, turning to see Mickey scowl at him.

"What're you going to do?" Rose asked the Doctor.

"It's time I had a word with Mister Finch." He told Rose, grabbing hold of Raelle's hand and leading them into the school.


The pair walked up the staircase as multiple students ran in opposite directions to their classes. They looked over the railing to see Mr Finch staring them down, they both glare at that man in response. "Stay close to me." The Doctor warned Raelle as they made their way to the swimming pool. The Doctor and Raelle enter the swimming pool, standing at one end as Mr Finch enters seconds later. They stand at opposite ends of the pool. The Doctor stood in front of Raelle, being protective for what may follow.

"Who are you?" The Doctor demanded.

"My name is Brother Lassa. And you?"

"The Doctor. Since-"

"Ah, ah ah." Mr Finch interrupted, looking past the Doctor and to Raelle. "And who might you be?" He grinned, watching how the Doctor tensed up when he addressed Raelle.

"Raelle." She replied, glaring at the man. He smirked at her. Raelle was determined not to cower under his stare, so she challenged herself to a staring contest. Not that he knew of course.

"Since when did Krillitanes have wings?" The Doctor interrupted, Mr Finch breaking his stare, looking over the the Doctor. Raelle smirked. She won the staring contest.

"It's been our form for nearly ten generations now. Our ancestors invaded Bessan. The people there had some rather lovely wings. They made a million widows in one day. Just imagine."

"And now you're shaped human."

"A personal favourite, that's all." He smirked.

"And the others?"

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