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The Daleks landed infront of the group, moving towards them as they step back, scared

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The Daleks landed infront of the group, moving towards them as they step back, scared. The harrowing noise of the Daleks plagued their ears.

"Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"

"Daleks!" Raelle shouted back at them, causing them to stop in their tracks. She took a deep breath before continuing. "You're called Daleks. I know your name." She nodded, becoming more confident, stepping forward to face them, shaking off the white lab coat. "Think about it how can I know that? A human who knows about the Daleks and the Time War. If you want to know how, then keep us alive. That's all I'm asking. Me and my friends." She pleaded.

Mickey nodded behind Raelle. "Yeah, Daleks. Time War. Me too."

"Yeah. And me." Rajesh joined, nodding in agreement. The Black Dalek infront of Raelle stared at her , pausing momentarily, before turning to face the others. Raelle exhaled a large breath of relief.

"You will be necessary. Report. What is the status of the Genesis Ark?" It demanded, with the 'Ark' behind the four Daleks.

"Status, hibernation." Another Dalek replied.

"Commence awakening. The Genesis Ark must be protected above all else."

"The Daleks." Mickey muttered to Raelle. "Rose said they were all dead."

"Never mind that." Raelle huffed at Mickey, nodding her head to the Ark. "What the hell's a Genesis Ark?"


"What's down there?" Jackie asked the Doctor, voice breaking at the thought of Raelle. "She was in that room with the sphere. What's happened to Raelle?"

The Doctor turned to face Jackie and Rose, a serious expression on his face. "I don't know." He groaned, Jackie silently sobbing as Rose comforts her. The Doctor sighs, moving over to stand in front of her. "I'll find her. I brought you all here, I'll get you all out, you and your daughters. Jackie, look at me. Look at me. I promise you. I give you my word." Rose looked at the Doctor's grave expression. She knew he would keep his promise, she would trust him with her life. She knew he would do everything in his power to make sure Raelle was alright.

"You will talk to your central world authority and order global surrender." The Cyberman ordered Yvonne, who sat at her desk.

Yvonne scoffed in response. "Oh, do some research. We haven't got a central world authority."

"You have now. I will speak on all global wavelengths." The Doctor puts on his 3D glasses, inspecting the television transmission from the Cyberman to surrounding neighbourhoods. "This broadcast is for human kind. Cybermen now occupy every land mass on this planet, but you need not fear. Cybermen will remove fear. Cybermen will remove sex and class and colour and creed. You will become identical. You will become like us."

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