The Impossible Planet

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"Capsule established

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"Capsule established. All systems functioning. The mineshaft is go. Bring systems online now." Ida ordered as she made her way over to Raelle and The Doctor in the drilling area. Ida and the Doctor were in spacesuits, deciding to venture out and explore point zero. Raelle chewed down on her nails as she watched the Doctor get ready.

"Reporting as a volunteer for the expeditionary force." The Doctor informed Zach as he made his way over to him, helmet under his hand.

"Doctor, this is breaking every single protocol." Zach sighed. "We don't even know who you are."

"Yeah, but you trust me, don't you?" The Doctor countered. Zach scoffed in response. "And you can't let Ida go down there on her own. Go on. Look me in the eye. Yes you do, I can see it. Trust." He smiled at Zach.

"I should be going down." Zach told him.

The Doctor shook his head. "The Captain doesn't lead the mission. He stays here, in charge."

"Not much good at it, am I?" He sighs. "Positions! We're going down in two. Everyone, positions! Mister Jefferson! I want maximum system enhancement." Zach ordered as he made his way back to the control room. Raelle made her way over to the Doctor as he finished his final preparations.

"Oxygen, nitro balance, gravity. It's ages since I wore one of these." He grinned at the girl,

Raelle placed her two hands on his chest. "I want that spacesuit back in one piece, you got that?" She told him, a worried look in her eye.

"Yes, sir." The Doctor winked at her, causing her to smile slightly. He puts on his helmet.

"It's funny, because people back home think that space travel's going to be all whizzing about and teleports and anti gravity, but it's not, is it?" Raelle remarks as the Doctor stares at her intently. "It's tough." Her voice broke slightly.

"I'll see you later." The Doctor replied, sending her a reassuring look to calm her. He sent a wave of calmness across his body in the hopes she would receive the same feeling.

"Not if I see you first." She smiled, dipping her head down in a slight chuckle. She reaches up, pressing her two hands either side of his helmet to press a gentle kiss to the front of his helmet. The Doctor smiles down at the girl as he breaks away to make his way into the capsule with Ida, as Jefferson closes the door behind them.

"Capsule active. Counting down in ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Release"

Jefferson salutes the two before they descend, moving away to reveal Raelle. She warmly smiles at the pair, waving her hand. The Doctor smirks back, mimicking her wave back as the capsule is lowered on its cable. Raelle watches them descend, moving to monitor their progress on the screen whilst clutching the microphone.

"You've gone beyond the oxygen field. You're on your own." Zach informed the Doctor and Ida over the comms as they turn on their life support.

"Don't forget to breath. Breathing's good." Raelle added over the comms.

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