The Girl in the Fireplace

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"You think I fear you, but I do not fear you even now

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"You think I fear you, but I do not fear you even now. You are merely the nightmare of my childhood. The monster from under my bed. And if my nightmare can return to plague me, then rest assured, so will yours."

At that moment, somewhere a horse neighs, the sound of galloping hooves following. The mirror over the mantlepiece is smashed as the Doctor jumps the horse through it. The guests at the ball gasp in shocked as Reinette watches smiling at the man as he dismounts.

"Madame de Pompadour. You look younger every day."

The King, mouth open in shock. "What the hell is going on?"

"Oh. This is my lover, the King of France." Reinette told the Doctor, gesturing to the man beside her.

"Yeah? Well, I'm the Lord of Time." He retorted, walking over to the droid. Reinette smirked as the King looked even more flustered. "and I'm here to fix the clock." He takes the mask off the main android. It points its blade at his throat. "Forget it. It's over. For you and for me." He looks at the mirror, a brick wall taking it's place. He frowned. "Talk about seven years bad luck. Try three thousand." 

"The link with the ship is broken. No way back." He told the droids, glaring at them. "You don't have the parts. How many ticks left in that clockwork heart, huh? A day? An hour? It's over. Accept that. I'm not winding you up." He threatened. The androids all wind down. One of them falls backwards and breaks apart.  Reinette gasps in shock.

"You all right?" The Doctor asked her, holding out a hand for her.

She gratefully took his hand, standing beside him "What's happened to them?"

"They've stopped. They have no purpose now."


Later that evening, the Doctor is looking up at the night sky, through the window, in a random room. He heard footsteps entering the room, turning to see Reinette who held two glasses of wine. He smiled as he accepted one from her. 

"You know all their names, don't you? I saw that in your mind. The name of every star." She asked him, as she joined him by the window. 

"What's in a name?" He asked. "Names are just titles. Titles don't tell you anything."

"Like the Doctor." She raised her eyebrow at the man.

"Like Madame de Pompadour." He copied her action. She laughed. 

"I have often wished to see those stars a little closer. Just as you have, I think." She sighed, peering at the stars in the night sky.

"From time to time."

She turned to the Doctor, a sad smile on her face. "In saving me, you trapped yourself. Did you know that would happen?"

"Mmm." He was all he managed to say. "Pretty much."

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