The Satan Pit

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"Open fire!" Jefferson commanded as he and the rest of the guards start shooting at the Ood

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"Open fire!" Jefferson commanded as he and the rest of the guards start shooting at the Ood. Raelle hung back at the door, watching in horror as the Ood all dropped dead.

"We're stabilising" Zach informed the other over the comms as the overhead shutters closed over him.  "We've got orbit."

Raelle rushes back over to the comms. "Doctor? Doctor, can you hear me?" She shouts out. "Doctor, Ida, are you there?"

"Open door 25."

Jefferson and the guards turn at the door, prepared to shoot. Danny appears.  "It's me!" Danny entered, holding up his hands in defence. He closes the door behind him. "But they're coming. It's the Ood. They've gone mad."

Jefferson sighs, running a hand down his face. "How many of them?"

"All of them! All fifty!" Danny panics.

"Danny, out of the way." Jefferson walks over to the door, tugging Danny aside. "Out of the way!"

Danny clings onto Jefferson's arm in an attempt to stop him. "But they're armed! It's the interface device. I don't know how, but they're using it as a weapon." He continued as Jefferson pries open the door.

"Open door 25."

Jefferson opens the door. Behind the door, an Ood stands, sticking its globe onto one of the guard's forehead. She screams in pain. Raelle spins round to watch as she collapses to the floor, eye wide. Jefferson starts shooting at the group of Oods.

"Seal door 24. Seal door 23." Jefferson commands over the comms to Zach.

"Jefferson, what's happening there?" Zach inquires.

"I've got very little ammunition, sir. How about you?" Jefferson informs Zach, moving to stand beside Raelle next to the scanner.

"All I've got is a bolt gun. With er, all of one bolt." Zach told Jefferson. "I could take out a grand total of one Ood. Fat lot of good that is."

"Given the emergency, I recommend strategy nine."

Zach sighs. "Strategy Nine Agreed. Right, we need to get everyone together. Raelle? What about Ida and the Doctor? Any word?"

Raelle shook her head, looking at the scanner before her. "I can't get a reply." She told Zach, a defeated tone to her voice. "Just nothing. I keep trying, but it's-"

Static comes over the comms. "No, sorry, I'm fine. Still here." The Doctor's voice floods over the comms. Raelle sighs a breath of relief.

"You could've said, you stupid-"

Down in Point Zero, the Doctor receives feedback over the comms before Raelle can finish her sentence. He winces at the sound. Probably for the best she didn't get to finish her sentence.  "Whoa. Careful!" He whines. "Anyway, it's both of us. Me and Ida. Hello. But the seal opened up. It's gone. All we've got left is this chasm." He informs the group as him and Ida stare into the trapdoor. The trapdoor had opened, leaving a big hole, very deep and dark.

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