Chapter Four - Rewritten

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For once, I managed to get a decent amount of sleep. I think it was only due to pure exhaustion as my dreams were of nothing, but that was more preferable compared to the nightmares I had been having. Today was going to be a good day. It was going to be a normal day, and I was ready for it.

"Alpha?" Delta Adam called, pulling me from my thoughts. When I hummed, he continued, "Apparently, we have another visitor from the royal pack."

Welp, so much for a normal day.

I had no clue who it could be or why. It hadn't even been twenty-four hours since Alpha Zaine was here. Surely, it couldn't be for judgement yet. Even if his report was filled with lies and made my pack seem like hell on earth, they wouldn't have come to a conclusion on what to do yet. At least, I hoped not.

Before I could inquire who they were, a feminine voice exclaimed, "Oh my Goddess! You're Alexa King! You're a werewolf? Wait, you're a rogue? That's so cool!"

I blinked blankly at the younger werewolf in front of me. Clearly, a royal from her scent and resemblance to Zaine. Plus, judging from the fact no one stopped her, she must be here on official business.

The blonde continued to ramble on about me so I quickly stopped her. "Sorry to interrupt, but may I inquire why you're here?"

A bush grazed her face as her hands and mouth grew wide — most likely from embarrassment. "Oh Goddess, I'm so sorry! My brother was just here to evaluate your pack but he sent me to check again just in case he let his biases get in the way. I'm not exactly sure what biases. He didn't tell me nothin,' but I am here and I promise I will do a great job! I'm usually not allowed to do royal things like this 'cause I'm too young or something so I gotta do a great job so they'll let me do it again."

She talked a lot. Not that it was a bad thing. Just odd compared to her brother, who I assumed to be Zaine. It was surprising he sent her. Maybe he actually listened to me. I'm definitely thankful for that. I didn't want our stupid history to cause my pack's downfall. None of them deserved that.

"How old are you?" I inquired. Despite her more softer features, she didn't look too young. Maybe early twenties about.

"Oh! I just turned 18! It's been a few weeks since. Haven't found my mate yet, sadly, but I will eventually! Mom and dad are throwin' a party for me! You should come; mom's a big fan of yours!"

"Thank you for the invite, Miss?"

"Aurora! Gosh, I can't believe I forget to tell you my name!"

"Thank you for the invite, Aurora, but if you don't mind, could we start the evaluation? I wouldn't want to keep you out longer than you you'd like," I chuckled politely.

I'd be lying if I said I disliked her ramblings. It was a little enjoyable watching her talk and talk and talk. However, even if I felt more comfortable with her than Zaine, having someone related to him here put me on edge. She didn't seem like her brother, but who knew if it was all an act? It wouldn't really make sense, but royals really put me on edge.

She brightened up and jumped slightly, causing me to chuckle. "I really don't mind staying long, but you're right! We should get started!" She exclaimed, before pausing with a slight frown. "Um, I am kind of not sure where to start. Okay, so I need to determine if your pack is a threat first so... could you talk me through your training and strategies and any other info you think could be useful?"

Her approach was interesting. She was definitely inexperienced and it showed. She asked some good questions yet seemed hesitant like she was worried she was making a mistake. Her hesitancy and rambling also made me realise how little direction she was actually given. Despite all that, her passion was admirable. She wanted to do a good job and get as much detail as she could. She didn't want to make any mistakes or leave out details that could potentially cause my pack's downfall.

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