Chapter 15

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Alpha Zaine is throwing a ball to "find" his "mate". Personally, I don't want to go. Seeing my mate choose who his "mate" is not something I want to see. He's only doing this because of his father. King Eric told him that he would only give Alpha Zaine the crown unless he found his mate. He tried asking me again but I couldn't handle be insulted again so I rejected his offer.

I don't understand how he thinks. He says I'll never be his mate, then that I have to be his mate. Then, after I refuse, he tells me I'm not worthy enough to be his mate. He makes no sense. All I want is a normal healthy relationship. But that's never going to happen.

Elena didn't like the fact that I didn't want to go. Especially since the ball was also for her birthday She told me if I didn't, she'd be miserable the entire time. Then, since that didn't work, she invited Olivia to the ball which meant I had to go. Elena promised she'd make things easy for me. She said she had my outfit picked out and she was going to do my makeup and hair for me.

"Elena," I said, knocking on her door. I heard whimpering from inside. I warned Elena that I was coming in and opened the door. Looking at me, Elena wiped her eyes. "What's wrong?" I sat down on the bed and hugged her.

She started crying harder so I just patiently waited and rubbed her arm. It took her a while to calm down. The entire time I was ready to fight whoever hurt her. Though I knew violence wouldn't solve anything. However, threatening someone might.

Once her breathing returned normal, I carefully asked her again. She sniffled, "I- he- he rejected. How- I just- I don't know." 

My heart broke for her. Even though I know a lot of people who've been rejected, it's a rare thing. Everyone reacts definitely depending on the situation. But almost always they get hurt. However, the pain is not as bad when the rejection isn't official. 

I've witnessed how people react when their mate says the actual words. It's terrible. I'm lucky Alpha Zaine has never made it official. Though I wouldn't put it passed him to reject me at some point.

"I'm sorry, Elena," I told her. "Do you want to talk about it?"

She gets up and blows her nose before speaking. She seemed to be hesitant at first but trusted me enough to tell me. "He's my dad's best friend's son. We barely ever talked but we ran into each other in the hall. I felt the sparks and everything. Both of us were shocked," she said softly. "He looked me in the eyes and kissed me. It was rough and lustful. It wasn't anything like how I thought my first kiss would go but I didn't care. I was happy that I had finally found my mate."

She sat back down beside me. Tears glossed her eyes again as she tried to continue. I held her hand and told her, "It's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, I- I have to. I need someone to know and it's best that it's you. After he stopped kissing me, he tried to kiss me again and, as much as I loved kissing him, I was scared. I know relationships with mates go fast but this was too fast. All I knew about him was his name and I told him that. He got so angry and I- I don't know why. But he s-slapped me and called me a prude. He told me that I was his mate and that my job was to p-pleasure him. When I said he was wrong, he r-rejected me and left without even looking back," she cried.

I held her closely, letting her cry in my arms. Rejection was one of the many things I couldn't understand. I tried my hardest to believe the Moon Goddess had a plan and everything happens for a reason. But while I was caring for Elena, my faith was being challenged. All I could do was hope things worked out and she found someone she deserved. 

Elena abruptly stood up, walked to her closet, and threw two dresses. "This is fucking ridiculous. I shouldn't be wasting my tears on this fucker. Come on. We need to get ready," she said, grabbing my arm and pushing me into the bathroom.

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