Chapter 23

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Telling everyone what happened was hard. My brother had to leave a few times because he got so angry he almost shifted. My father managed to keep his wolf under control since he heard everything before. However, it was clear he wanted to raise Dylan Black from the dead and kill him again. My mother wasn't angry like the two alphas. Instead, she cried multiple times. It was hard to keep everyone together in order to finish the story.

Afterwards, once everyone calmed down, we started talking about other things. I've learned a lot about everyone. My father and brother are total goofballs. They love pranks and making as many inappropriate jokes as possible- I swear they forget a four-year-old is in the room. Every time my father said a joke, my mother would give him the 'Are you serious?' look. But you could tell from the small smile that she enjoyed their jokes.

Everyone also loved Olivia. Honestly, who wouldn't? She really enjoyed spending time with them. As was I. I knew I had to leave in a few days but I really didn't want to. However, I tried not to let that get me down. I needed to live in the moment for the time being.

We were playing Mariokart when suddenly everyone's eyes glazed over. Someone must be mind-linking them. "What's happening?" I asked as soon as their eyes were back to normal. My brother ignored my question and immediately ran outside. His face was stoic and serious. Something was wrong but I had no idea what. What could cause him to go from a total goofball to a stone-cold person so fast?

"A rogue has entered the territory. Stay here with your mum. I don't want you to get hurt," my dad said.

Before I could respond, he followed Matthew and left the house. He wants to protect me. I know that. But does he know who I am? "Squirt, stay with Grandma. I'm going to go see what's happening," I said.

My mum grabbed my arm to stop me. "Rogues are dangerous, Zo. I can't lose you again," my mum warned me. I knew rogues are dangerous but not all of them are. That's why I have to go. Either the rogue is dangerous and could hurt my family. Or the rogue is like me and my pack. A victim. If that's the case, they would need help.

"Mum, I'll be fine. Dealing with rogues is my job. I've literally been named the Alpha Rogue for Goddess sake. Just keep Olivia safe for me," I told her. After kissing both them on the cheek, I ran out the door. It was easy to find them. All I had to do was follow their scent to the crowd of guards.

I looked past them in order to size up the rogue. Due to the number of guards, I assumed the rogue was going to be a threat. The opposite was true. The rogue was a very malnourished girl who clearly has gone through something. I couldn't examine her injuries from this far away but I knew she was hurt. This girl was no threat yet they were treating her as such.

Sadly, this isn't abnormal for packs. If a rogue enters their territory, they are considered a threat no matter what. I don't know why I thought my dad and brother would be different. Maybe because I was a rogue, I thought they would understand not all rogues are bad. But I guess not.

The girl was looking wearily at everyone except one person. Matthew. I found that really weird until I looked at Matthew. He looked angry and in pain. His emotions seemed to be conflicting. This girl, the rogue, was his mate. He didn't want to accept her. At least that's what it looked like. We will talk later so I can talk some sense into him.

I managed to push my way through everyone. Her eyes meant mine for a few seconds and she slightly relaxed. However, as soon as her eyes left mine, she tensed up again. I noticed that all the guards were men so I must've been the first woman she saw. Though I'm not certain, I think she's afraid of men which most likely means her abuser or abusers were men. I needed to get everyone to leave. I doubt I'd be able to get her help otherwise.

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