Chapter 21

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Who gets to chose who lives or dies? How could any normal person- wolf or not- decide who is worthy? How could you be unbiased in your decision? You can't. The Moon Goddess can though. She should be the one who condemns Alpha Black to death. Not me. Yet here I am. I choose to get myself in this mess and now I have to deal with the guilt I'll feel. But now it's either him or me and if I die, he'll get my pack. My daughter. There is no way in hell that's going to happen.

Once King Eric explain the rules, have a black and I got in our starting position. He lunged at me immediately when King Eric rang the bell. His lunch was slow, giving me enough time to dodge it.  Clearly he wasn't expecting that as he fell on his face. Though it would be the perfect time to strike, I waited for him to get up. Even though he was slow. Like incredibly slow. Like annoying slow.

He's been lunged at me once more. However, this time he didn't fall on his face when I dodged his attack. I took advantage of this and kicked his legs so he fell. I know I couldn't pin him down yet. He was incredibly slow but strong. Stronger than me. I needed to cause some more damage before I could actually kill him.

The fight was predictable. Alpha Black would lunge. I'd dodge, struck and he'd fall. He never seemed to learn the pattern so I keep following it. He managed to grab my leg once more causing me to fall. I fell at an awkward angle causing my shoulder to tingle. It hurt to roll it or move it in any way. Luckily, it was my non-dominant arm.

I quickly get to my feet and dodged another attack. By this time, I could tell he was getting annoyed. I smiled victoriously. His emotions would lead to him making hasty decisions. Hasty decisions lead to mistakes. Mistakes lead to victory for me. There is one downside to this. His emotions make it harder to predict his next move. He almost managed to punch me in the face but I quickly got out of the way. He fell on the ground again with a sickening crunch. I realised you must've broken his nose. As he slowly got up, I looked at the damage. His nose was completely covered in blood somehow. He must've fallen pretty hard.

I sigh. This is the perfect moment. Swiftly, I held him in a chokehold. "I'm sorry-" I snapped his neck. Closing my eyes, I let his limp body fall to the ground. Guilt hit me instantly. I know I'm helping other people. Protecting them from his monster. But still, I killed him.

Cheers of update from the crowd. They were happy. The other alphas are probably are used to killing others. I'm not. I don't think I'll ever be. I'm probably going to have to bring this up in therapy. "Alpha Alexa King has one. The Blood Moon packets officially hers," King Eric announced. I slowly opened my eyes and faced the cheering crowd. No one seemed fazed by the dead body next to me. Though, if I was still part of Alpha Black's pack, I wouldn't be fazed either. I would be too overjoyed to process what happened. But, like my new pack members, I would also be anxious. They don't know how a normal pack runs. They were afraid I was like him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honour to become your alpha. Even though I killed Dylan Black, I have yet to earn the title of your alpha. To earn this I don't need to earn your respect and trust. This may take a while but it will be worth the wait," I informed them with a great smile. "Adjusting to this new pack life will be difficult. It always is for the new pack members but there are people willing to help you- myself included. We've all been through some horrible shit and I can assure you, you aren't alone. My beta, Rosa in Delta, Adam will explain how my pack works. Dr Lee will also check on everyone. Once you are all settled, I will conduct an interview with every one of you personally."

As Rosa and Adam made their way onto the stage, I went to find Alpha Clark. My father. Goddess, that word seems foreign to me. It terrifies me. What if I disappoint him? What if he's upstairs I can't remember anything before I was kidnapped? I don't remember my family. My mom's voice. That's all I remember. The rest is easy. I wish I could remember. I wish that I knew more about them than I did. But I can't change the past.

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