Chapter 13

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I like to think that I'm good at dealing with my problems. I try my best to deal with issues as soon as I can and find a logical solution. However, when dealing with my mate, all I want to do is run away and hope the situation figures itself out.

Every time I smelt Alpha Zaine coming near me, I ran the other way. My mind and heart wanted two different things and until I could figure out what I wanted. There has to be some compromise I can come up with.

"This is stupid," James informed me. "You should just talk to him then you might be able to make a decision."

I sighed and flopped back on my bed. "That's part of the reason I don't want to talk to him! I feel like he's going to insult me or make me feel like shit. He's going to make me come to my senses," I groaned.

"You're going to have to talk to him eventually. You should deal with it now and if he hurts you, then he doesn't deserve you. You can't just ignore this forever," he replied.

Sadly, he is right. Ignoring him won't make this go away.

"Fuck you and your logical reasoning. I'm going to find him now. Bye, James," I said, leaving the room.

Finding Alpha Zaine was easy. Especially since I was so good at running away from him. Before I walked into the kitchen, I decided to think about this first. How am I suppose to start a conversation with him? What if he asks me why I was avoiding him?

There was so many what-ifs. Sadly, the only way to get the answers is by speaking with him. I really didn't want to talk with him. I don't know why I can't just approach this like a normal problem. However, this isn't a normal problem that I'm used to dealing with.

Before I could go into the kitchen, I saw two hands on each side of my head touching the wall. Alpha Zaine's sent filled my ears as my body tensed. Damnit, I wanted to make the first move. "Why have you been avoiding me?" He inquired.

I turned around and faced him. How can someone be so hot yet such an arse? I mean he's being nice to me ever since he helped me escape but that doesn't mean anything. My guard is fully up, expecting him to try and hurt me. I won't let it happen. Not again. James is right. If he hurts me, he doesn't deserve my love.

"I wanted to talk with you but I needed some time to think about what I want to say," I responded. "You were acting weird when I was in the hospital and I wanted an explanation. I'm just scared about what that explanation might be."

He shrugged, "You're my mate and I was doing what mates do."

"Yes, but you've never once done that before," I responded.

"Before, I had a fiancé. But now that I don't, obviously, we will get married so I can have the thrown and then you'll have my children so I can have an heir. We can tell my parents that Loralie poisoned us so we couldn't feel the mate bond or something," he informed me.

I was pissed off but I knew not to expect a lot so I wasn't really disappointed. He isn't even doing this out of pity! He just wants to use me. He doesn't give a damn about me and I shouldn't give a damn about him. I can't even have kids with him so I'm not that useful to him.

Out of all the scenarios I had in my head, this was not one of them. I was not prepared at all for this. Sure, I was hurt. But I was mostly just angry. At him. At the Moon Goddess. At me.

"No," I stated calmly. My tone didn't match the storm inside of me. My tone made it seem like he had no effect on me. In reality, he did. "I will do none of those things with you. I may not have a relationship but that doesn't mean I'll just be with you because it's convenient for you. I have never and will never be in a consensual relationship with someone who doesn't respect me. Now, I had more to say but frankly, I don't give a damn anymore. I'm leaving. Go fuck your self," I snapped at him.

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