~ Secret Agent

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Secret Agent

Words: 7082

Dan's POV*


I hate English - honestly, it's so boring. That's what was going through my head as I sat in my seat bored out of my mind. However school was compulsory since it was my last year and only had a few months left. Not to mention it was a perfect cover for what I did outside learning hours.

I jumped a little when the bell rang and I snapped out of it, quickly gathering my books, jotters and stray papers then shoving them in my bag.

"You look tremendously fed up!" My friend Chris laughed as he joined my side outside the classroom.

"How could you tell?" I retorted, rubbing my eyes out of tiredness.

"What time did you get to bed last night?" He asked. My mind wandered back 12 hours.


"Ready?" Phil asked me. I nodded my head, zipping up my black jacket and strapping my favourite hand gun round my waist.

"How long do you think the job will take?" I asked curiously as I loaded a second gun and strapped it in the other side.

"If we're good then it should take under two hours. You up to it Howell? You're still just a rookie." Phil smirked.

"I've been doing this for six months, I don't think I should be classified as 'rookie' anymore." I protested.

"Whatever. I'm still five years older than you and not to mention in charge of this mission." Phil teased, ruffling my hair. I swatted his hand away with a flat look.

"So? I'm the best of the 'rookies' that came that's I was assigned with you. To be honest I don't think our skill levels are too far apart."

"Oh yeah? Does four years experience on the job not make me a little more superior?" Phil questioned, eyebrows raised.

"When I'm your age I'll probably be stronger than you considering I'm starting from a younger age, I don't care if you're 'superior'" I retorted. Phil just chuckled and shook his head.

"In your dreams kid."

"I'm not a kid." I protested.

"Yes you are - you're still in high school." He smirked, flicking my ear.

"Oh fuck off. I don't know why I put up with you - I should ask for a different partner." I huffed.

"But what would you do without me? You love me really." He winked and headed towards the doors. My cheeks tinted pink because honestly he wasn't far from the truth. Even though he irritated me at times I'd never ask for a new partner because we were still friends and a good team - not to mention I fancied him a little bit. I had ever since we had been assigned as partners and he showed me the ropes of undercover work. It really annoyed me when he called me 'kid' because it made me even sadder at the age gap. I was 18 and he was 23 and I was legal and everything but I felt like all he saw me as was a child - forever the rookie and nothing more.

I sighed a little, cocking a third gun and loading it. Once it was ready I turned round and left the room to join Phil. I found him already in the driver's seat of a black BMW. I hopped into the passenger's seat and buckled up.

"Let's go." Phil smiled and put it into gear - driving off to our destination.

We arrived a street down from the target's warehouse and parked the car. "Got everything?" I double checked.

"Of course. Remember, retrieve the plans and take a hostage. We need someone to give us extra information." Phil went over the plan.

"I retrieve the plans you secure a hostage - I know." I confirmed and pulled the ski mask over my head. Phil followed suite, nodded at me, then started running down a side alley - with me close behind. First step was to infiltrate the building.

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