🌻||Volume 1||🌻

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Rival 1
Name: Noah Hudohaski
Age: 16
3rd year student
(Photography club leader)
Weakness: ...
Status: Alive

this chapter contains...
Boy x Boy
Topics on mature content
Sunflower (Basil x Sunny)


(Sunny's Pov)


few months ago, I developed feelings for my best friend basil, a kind gentle pretty soul, with a soft heart. He is like a flower who must be taken care of very well, because he can die easily. Knowing his many weaknesses, he must be protected by anything that can try to harm him, but someone is trying to do the job for me. Some boy named Noah, had developed feelings for Basil about a week ago, and wants to confess his love to him in a couple of months, and tries to be friends with Basil, to get a higher chance of him accepting bus confession.

It makes.me.sick just thinking about it. I never really thought about ruining or taking a life of another, I don't think just simply keeping alive will do any work, he would find a knew way eventually to get Basil to love him, even if he does something terrible. Noah was a popular boy, kind, a leader of a club, loyal, perfect in many ways, it was obvious he can get Basil to love him before I could. I simply took out a paper and ripped it out and began writing on it, I wrote him a note saying,
"Hello, I am an under classmen who noticed that you been having trouble with something VERY important lately, and wanted to help you! Please me by the pool after school when the clubs are done, and we could talk on the way out of school!"
I smiled and then found his locker and slipped it in and walked to meet with my older sister who was currently talking with her boyfriend Hero, luckily I was good friends with Kel, his little brother.

"Hey Sunny! Come here for a second!"


"I saw you slip a note in Noah's locker? You confessing your love or something?"

"I-I it's not like that, I wanted to meet him during lunch to talk about something! That's all!"

Kel seemed to take the excuse and nodded and we walked back being greeted by the fuck ass Aubrey who always seems to pick on me, Kel, and Basil, and I was surprised to hear she was good friends with Mari, who is unaware. "Oi Sunny! I want to tell you something after school! Meet me at the school gates would you?" I shook my head, I told her I was going to be busy afterschool and she grabbed my collar, slightly lifting me up, but I was a little a stronger than her.

"Aubrey please stop!" I heard Basil yell, I blushed as the smaller boy tried to defend me and Aubrey let go of me. Even though Basil was a little older than me, I was taller than him. "You got lucky this time!" She walked away with her friends and I rolled my eyes and B as sil runner to me.

"S-Sunny! Are you okay?" I nodded, turning red as Basil was touching me to see if I was hurt anywhere.


After a long day, I finished my studies afterschool, I walked outside the backdoors while Noone was looking and stood by the pool, waiting for the rat himself, and eventually he came. Noah was a inch or so taller than me. He looked at the note and I unfortunately made eye contact with him, he seems confused, which was expected, "You wanted to meet me?"
"That's correct..."
"O-Oh! Your Basil's friend, Sunny right! My you don't seem Sunny judging by looks...Basil seems to live talking at you. His last sentence fed something called an ego to me.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"I know you have a crush on my friend Basil.. I know you had trouble talking to him recently, and I wanted to help..we were best friends since we were 12 and I know a lot of things about him, I thought I could lend you a helping hand!"

"Really? You'll help?! Thank you so much Sunny!"

I cringe as he says my name, I wanted to get this over with but ai wanted to make sure why he knows why I'm doing this before he faces his poor fate. I do admit I feel bad for ending his life, but I could not bare the fact that Basil could love him, though he was perfect, I heard rumors spreading we only met the mask.

"I will give you one simple advice that will help you REALLY well.."

"Well? What is it?"

I grabbed the boy and I was shocked to know akw as stronger and he was very weak, I tested his body forward, facing the pool and snapped her neck and whispered in his ear, "he's mine.." he looked at my with a shocked expression while I covered his mouth and shoved his head in the pool, holding his head down, avoiding him from getting air again. I giggled slowly and smirked when I picked him back up to see he was dead and that's when I remembered something important.

How am I supposed to get rid of the evidence?! "You stupid idiot! You should have thought of that before getting rid of him already!" I yelled at myself and slapped myself in my forehead and tried to think of way before a staff member comes out looking for any students who have not left yet. I began panicking and lifted the lifeless body and began walking to to the back of the pool area leading to the locker rooms and then stuffed his body in his locker and tried to think of way to properly dispose of him I can't just leave him to rot and tell, eventually he was start smelling and maybe before then he might be considered and the police will investigate the school if it was the last place he was seen in. That's when it hit! I had a knife with me just in case I'd the boy was stronger than me, and I cut his body parts in separate parts and threw it in the trash and dumped it out in the trash. I managed to climb over a wall and got out of school without a witness nearby.

That's the day where I got rid of my very first rival...


Rival 1
Name: Noah Hudohaski
Age: 16
3rd year student
(Photography club leader)
Weakness: Drowning
Status: Dead

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