🌻||Volume 2||🌻

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Rival 2
Name: Una Ruiz
Age: 13
1st year student
(Teachers pet)
Weakness: ...
Status: Alive

this chapter contains...
Boy x Boy
Topics on mature content
Sunflower (Basil x Sunny)


(Sunny's Pov)

After the "disapearence" of Noah hudohaski, I felt like everyone else beside me was terrified, and Basil was said and the sudden "disapearence" I tried my best to comfort him everyday and it worked and it seemed kike he tired to brush it off and said he may return one day, making positive thoughts, which is want I want. I still want his perfect gentle smile which is kind and precious. But recently, there and been a new student coming along Basil's path, and she is a first year, teachers pet, not the food kind. Her name is Una, and she is rude to everyone ebsides the teachers and Basil. It makes me sick and I'm sure Basil knows that she has a thing for him.

Apparently Basil is her type, and when she finds her type, she forces them to do stuff they don't want to but they can't help to fall I love with her "beauty" I need to stop her before she does anything to Basil. She ran over to me and handed me something, a rose? It was lunchtime and I was heading to the roof where Basil and I usually eat. I titled my head confusion and she made a rude comment, "Do you not speak at all you dumbass? Give this to Basil and make sure he knows it's from me alright?" I was surprised she wouldn't give it to him instead, I thought she was confident with every boy she wants to you with, was she actually falling in love me Basil?! I took the ride and she left she walked down stairs. I walked over to the trashcan abd was about throw away the rose, but I knew kf Basil were to through his food away I that specific one, he would get sad that someone threw away a flower, instead I threw it off the roof towards the grass where some other flowers grew.

I sat down and Basil came and next to me and than he asked, "How was your day so far Sunny?" I blushed, I gave him a thumbs up instead, even if all I wanted was to reply to him. Then Una came and interrupted us eating. She gave Basil some cookies and I smirked to myself and Basil happily ate one and then choke and coughed it out which made Una concerned. "B-Basil?! Are you alright!?" Basil looked at her and asked, "W-What was in those? We're you trying t-to poison me, or was it really accident?" Luckily, Basil knew her terrible reputation, and didn't believe a word she said.

Eailer that same day, she left her cookies at her desk, and I simply added something to the cookies, soy sauce which made the cookies darker but it still looked like a cookie, and Basil hates soy sauce. The girl, all sad, walked away while some students began making up more rumors and then I patted Basil's back, gaining his eyes on me, which made my stomach fill with butterflies. "I-I'll make c-cookies f-for Y-You!" I said and Basil smiled, "I'll look forward to that!"

Later that week, Una started making food herself, and kept it close to her, I think she caught on that she was sabataged at the beginning of the week, and I recently found out, that she was making herself lunch in our School's cooking club with the other members. That same day was picture day for the club members and J never joined one and it was their time to go get their pictures taken, I walked in and looked over my surroundings and slipped poison into Una's food and walked away, throwing away the posion and keeping the gloves in my bag. I walked out of the cooking club and then that's when someone caught me...

"S-Sunny? What we're you doing in the cooking room, I don't remember you being in that- wait! W-were you getting something for one of the club members?" I nodded my head, and the girl, with short black hair, Mincy took the answer well and left with her sketchbook in hands.

I left the area before someone else saw me and eventually, the cooking club members returned, and then during lunch, Una ate her food happily until..she began to choke on it and many students looked concerned, even Basil, I tried to act like the others,and eventually she fell to the ground with her hands in her neck and she tried to ask for help and a student tried to preform CPR on her and eventually passed out and died. The students freaked out and I was the one tk call the police.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"A-A student..I think she died, I believe she choked on her food to hard.. I don't know what happened!" That's the first time many students heard me talk.

That day, the police arrived at the School, and eventually one of them found that she had Poison in her food, and began investing the students bags, including mine, but Noone found nothing, when the police were arriving, I cleaned the gloves with new ones and threw them in someone book bag. There were no evidence that someone poisoned her. Atleast until Mincy spoke, I heard with the police while walking to the roof to find Basil.

"Um sir..when I was walking down the hall when the clubs members were taking photos, I saw Sunny leave the club room, but he does not attend any club, and it seemed like he was in a rush.. I'm not saying it's him or anything! I just think it's best if your question him, because his story does not sound all convincing to me" A snitch! Later that day the police had me cornered and they vegan questioning me.

"What was your purpose of being in that club room if you don't attend that club?"

I tried my best to think of a better convincing story, hut similar to the one I told, "Well, my older sister's boyfriend, attends that club, and he meant to give my sister her lunch, I just went in there to grab it for her and was in a bit of a hurry because my locker was a little far from where I was.

After a little, they were unable to link me to murder after they searched my bag for a second time. That day, the police left the School, and considered Una's death as a terrible unfortunate accident.


Rival 2
Name: Una Ruiz
Age: 13
1st year student
(Teachers pet)
Weakness: Rotten/Posioniness food smell
Status: Dead

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