🌻||Volume 5||🌻

927 23 24

Rival 5
Name: Elijah Montoya
Age: 15
1st year student
(Terrible reputation)
Weakness: ...
Status: Alive

this chapter contains...
Boy x Boy
Topics on mature content
Sunflower (Basil x Sunny)


(Sunny's Pov)

Lately, Kel has been getting a little closer to Aubrey, but they still kept their relationship the same as during childhood. For this new rival however, I decided to keep my hands clean, so the attention surrounding our school stops. But people still think their sj a killer, and I will make sure they will find the "person" behind all of this. I grabbed a weapon, but I was wearing gloves, and the weapon I was using was a box cutter, should be good enough, I grabbed a box and then took it around the School, until I run into that boy, Elijah.

I tapped his shoulder and he turned around and looked confused, maybe because I was wearing gloves or a box. I stood back and with one hand I handed him the box cutter and held the box and then he catched on, "You want me to help you open the box?" I nodded and he then stabbed the box cutter into the box and opened it, I bended my body down, as a way of saying 'Thank you' and he told me he wanted to talk to me alone in the club room we were Infront of. "Hey Sunny sit down for a minute, I notice you been in many rushes and your talking a little more, not to mention I see you talk to some of the students who recently died or disappeared, on the exact same day as well, why is that?" I didn't think of an excuse, instead he looked at me in concern, I was scared and he passed the box cutters back and I ran out the room fast, after placing them in my pocket where Noone can see them.

Recently a girl said she had feelings for Basil but she is too scared to talk to him, one day she will build up courage, but she won't be able to. I snuck in and grabbed a sweater from the lost and found and then when the girl was alone, I told her to follow me into the closet.

"Hey Sunny..." She began and then asked, "Why are you planning to end my life?" I froze and then stopped myself from closing the door. When I did she stepped forward and sat down on her knees, "I saw you kill two students, Noah and Emily...is it because I like Basil? That's fine...my life is perfect so far, it may get worse in the future, so I accept death please...you may be the devil..but your an angel for doing this to me...thank you Sunny!" I grabbed the box cutters and hesitated to stab her at first.

But this is what she wants, she wants to life to end before she gets older. I took a deep breath and than walked over to the girl and jumped on top of her, stabbing her and she seemed to take it nicely. When I finished stabbing her, I threw the box cutters 8 inch's away from her and then stood up, I took off the jacket and then ran outside the and threw it in the garage where it will be taken out later and tried my best to look somewhat "normal" to the others. When I walked into the building, a staff member screamed in bloody murder and ran to the nearest phone and called the police and other students noticed the dead body, and the police came in under a matter of minutes. When the crime scene was being investigated, students who were seen talking to the girl were questioned, and the students last seen in that area were.

I tapped the police officers shoulder and said, "I needed to open a box, and give whatever was inside to a teacher, I asked a boy named Elijah Montoya, to use the box cutters because I was scared to cut myself. When he did, he led me to a room alone and he stood up, walking towards me and he looked like he was gonna stab me, I ran out the room but I last saw that girl in the same hallway. I-I believe he might've harmed her.." The police was taken notes and that's when the weapon was located.

Later that day, the boy was taken away from the school grounds by the police. They found the finger prints of him, and the girl eventually, died in the hospital while doctors were struggling to keep her life due to blood lost. Elijah was charged with murder and was taken in, honestly that police didn't take my story all that well, and checked the cameras, they saw all my actions being true, but it was unclear weather or not he or I had the box cutters, but they couldn't link me to any crimes.

On Friday, it was clear that the boy was taken to jail, and I sat on the rooftop eating my food, until Basil came up to me and looked sad and worried, "Hey, can I talk to you?" I nodded and patted the seat next to me and he say there and was playing with his fingers, "Lately, I noticed when someone tried to get close to me, someone always happens to them..and I just think.. maybe, it would be best if you stay away from me" I felt my heart drop and I grabbed Basil tighter and whispered, "It's been years Basil...and yet I'm still here.." I felt Basil's tears falling onto my bag and I patted his back. I'm sorry Basil...I never meant to make you cry...I promise myself that when all of this is over, I'll make sure to protect Basil with my life, and help his accept the way things are right now.


Rival 5
Name: Elijah Montoya
Age: 15
1st year student
(Terrible reputation)
Weakness: Lairs
Status: Alive

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