🌻||Volume 8||🌻

814 20 43

Rival 8
Name: Kaito Sabito
Age: 17
4th year student
(Class clown)
Weakness: ...
Status: Alive

this chapter contains...
Boy x Boy
Topics on mature content
Sunflower (Basil x Sunny)


(Sunny's Pov)

After killing that girl, I felt like things couldn't get worse, because a new person has attempted to enter Basil's life with my permission. This one plays as the class clown, distracting people from doing their work, but in a funny way, and he does not seem to fail to make Basil life and smile so kindly. The boy loves to make jokes andie about certain stuff and he is good at lying which may come into good used. I been a little tired and it seems like blood on covering hands and all I could do is hide them behind my back from the police. It's so annoying to hear that boy's voice so I'll attempt to keep him alive even if I want to cut off his mouth.

I walked over to Kel and asked him, "Hey Kel, can you go over to students and make up lies about Kaito, I will post a fake article about him and eventually the students will turn their backs on him and he will have no choice but to withdraw from here.X Kel gave me a thumbs up and he ran walking over to a girl and began chatting with her until she had an concerned expression on her face and nodded and she went over to other students along with Kel.

I walked over to the computer lab and sat on the chair and logged into the computer, as long as we have a pass it's free to just roam around here during free time. I thought about what always gonna say and eventually came up with something and typed this,
"Did you hear? Kaito Sabito, had attempted to drug a students drink last year and later say it was just a prank? Did you also hear that he makes jokes to gain attention and to be liked by others, and mostly the kind things he says about people are all a lie?" I looked through it, making sure it's convincing a little bit and posted it and logged off and the students began talking about this student.

I met Basil at the roof during lunch and while we taking, Kaito walked passed is looking a little down and upset, I wonder why? Basil turned to me and asked, "I don't know who but some kids kept telling me to stay away from him and say to listen to the rumors but I have no idea what's going on...did something happen?" I nodded and replied in a quite voice, "People are saying he tried to drug someone's drink as a prank and how he was planning to play with your feelings and later break your heart" Basil's eyes widen and he looked upset and said, "I see...I really thought we would have turned out to really be good friends and that if he becomes friend's with all of us, we could continue it forever." I patted his back and told him everything was going to be alright, something he did whenever I was down, telling me everything was going to be okay, and you shouldn't worry about the problem your facing, and instead for us to forcus what makes you happy.

I then heard students laughing and talking bullshit about Kaito and harassing him until he tried to fix up the rumors, "I would never do a prank that extreme! I don't even carry drugs, and I love Basil for real! I don't know who are saying this but they are lying!" The person said, "Look, I don't want to be friends with you anymore! And Noone believes you alright?! So stop the act and admit that you are lying, it's annoying and your getting on everyone's nerves with your stupid lies okay!?" He walked away with tears and his eyes and when noone was looking, I smiled and let out a small, quiet, laugh.

Days slowly turned into weeks, and the rumors spreaded and was heard from the entire school, and every student knew, and the teachers were starting to find out based on the gossiping student's. Kaito walked over to Basil said, "Hey Basil... I think we should stop being friends..I don't want you around me if I have these rumors around me, it would ruin your reputation as well!"

"I stopped being friends with your a long time ago! I heard them, you were only with me to play with my feelings to then have me rejected if I did fall for you! I never liked you that way from the start!" Kaito eyes wide and he yelled, "W-Wait! I never said I tried to play with your feelings! Everything was real, not fake!" Basil walked away, almost crying and Kaito didn't bother chasing after his crush, and instead went home early, ditching school.

The next day, I heard that he withdrawed from his school and was now attending a new one. Atleast he won't be around Basil at school anymore, and if they do meet again after school, Basil would not want to see his face again, Because he believed in those rumors involing him and his relationship with the boy. Basil cried to me and I comforted him and he told me to never his side and I agreed, because if he does not accept my feelings, that's okay, maybe it we die and meet again in the next life, we may end up together.

If we don't meet again and are not reborn, I had fun with him in this life while it lasts. As the boy kept crying in my shoulder, I wonder what all the hard work ai was doing, will pay off in the end..and I do end up with Basil once everyone is eliminated.


Rival 8
Name: Kaito Sabito
Age: 17
4th year student
(Class clown)
Weakness: Nothing
Status: Alive

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