🌻||Volume 10||🌻

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~'Finale Chapter'~

this chapter contains...
Boy x Boy
Topics on mature content
Sunflower (Basil x Sunny)


(Sunny's Pov)

Someone who has a terrible obsession with someone is considered to have obsession love disorder, of course it's clear I have it. Yesterday I heard Basil liked someone, and I didn't like the sound of it. I could simply let Basil have his love life with this person, maybe become a parent? Get married, and grow old and die with this person whole I'm just a second option to the side. I could not stand the feeling with him with someone else, because Basil will be the first and last person who makes me feel this way. Basil wants to meet me near the park by our neighborhood, I will pack a baseball bat, and when the single flower is alone and unaware, without a witness, I will smack him and knock him out, bringing him to my home and tieing him in a chair in my basement.

I took a deep breath and tried to think of a less harmful option other then hurting my love, but I didn't care at this point. I grabbed the bat and walked to where Basil wanted me to meet him after leaving the house. When I arrives, there stood the boy with blonde hair, carefully swaying in the wind, beautiful ocean eyes like perfect careless waves, a small figure who is also strong in some ways. A single butterfly laying on his finger made my heart start beating, as I came over behind him, I whispered to myself, "I'm sorry Basil..." I grabbed the bat but before I was able to sway it, Basil turned around quickly and stopped the bat from reaching him, I froze and didn't bother to fight back.

He kicked my leg leading me fall and stepped back and began tearing up in fear and yelled, "S-Sunny what are you doing...? I'm not your next rival am I?" My eyes widend, I asked him, "what do you mean?" He slowly said, choking on his words, "I-I been there ever s-since you k-killed Noah, I a-always knew...Before Kel told you he told me he saw e-everything as well...I-I didn't think Y-You would hurt m-me..." He stepped back still and then slowly ran and grabbed the bat, protecting himself and I stood up and questioned, "Is that why you wanted to meet me here..? Basil...?"

"I wanted to confess my love Sunny...I love you, even if you took the lives of the innocent, it was for a reason, I wouldn't hate you...I liked you since we were 12, and I still always will...I liked your smile and voice, I loved your eyes, your cute when you shy and relied on Mari to reply for you when we were younger. Your smart and loyal to your friends!" He blushed an slowed away, wiping away the tears.

I walked over to him and grabbed him by his waist, I pulled him into a kiss and he melted into it quickly, dropping the bat and wrapped his arms around my neck and I pulled away to catch my breath. He kissed back eventually and I whispered, "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding Basil... I'm sorry for taking those lives of the innocent, I'll never forgive myself for it... I'll do better..." He layed out his pinky finger, as a way of saying, "pinky promise " I grabbed his finger with my mind and connected them.


Ever since that day, when Basil confessed his love, I never felt the feeling he made me feel go away anymore, I always felt it now, I eventually started taking something I really needed, therapy. I eventually got better and I didn't feel anything stupid whenever Basil talked to someone else. Kel eventually got together with Aubrey surprisedly, and Mari told Hero about her, and he seems scars but didn't bother to mention it ever again, and still loved her.

7 years past and I am now 23, all of us finished highschool and I lived with Basil in a small house now and Hero and Mari got married. During their wedding, when Mari threw the flowers, Basil caught it. Today, I planned to propose to him, and Kel helped me pick out a ring and secretly measured his ring size. Basil was making food and I told him to meet me where we first met together and he agreed. We met around a park where we were hanging out and then Aubrey brought Basil along, letting me meet him for the very first time. I had my friends and sister behind me and I waited for Basil to come meet me and eventually he did after he got off work and then walked over to him and asked me, "what are you doing Sunny?" He laughed softly and I said starting, the sentence,

"You know this is where we first met right?"

"Was it? Oh right!" I laughed as he had a small memory loss for minute. "You know Basil, I would always love you and I will protect you to danger no matter what, I promise to stay with you forever..if an terrible accident comes I will by your side no matter what, even if it means killing myself..." I went down on one knee, making Basil tear up, "Basil..will you marry me?" He teared up more and nodded repeatly and yelled, "Yes!" He ran to me and I swinged him around me arms and hugged him tightly. I pulled him into a kiss and I placed the ring on his finger and he admired the ring very well and the rest of our friend jumped from the bush and happily clapped.

No matter where I am heading because of my sins, me towards hell and you to heaven, I would never stop thinking about you Basil, because I will be with you, together with you forever, in a soul. For now, until that happens, we would live our life together in peace. Maybe if we were reborn again, my sins will be forgiven and I will meet you again, and would do it over and over again, until this universe ends. Thank you, for bringing this angel to my life.

I'll be there to the very end, everytime I die, I will be with Basil forever.

~The End~

~The End~

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