🌻||Volume 4||🌻

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Rival 4
Name: Ren parkers
Age: 16
3rd year student
Weakness: ...
Status: Alive

this chapter contains...
Boy x Boy
Topics on mature content
Sunflower (Basil x Sunny)


(Sunny's Pov)

Kou me told me a little more about my new rival, which appears to be the School outcast. His family died of some kind of car accident and his younger sister is the only family he has left, and he is willing to protect her, he also wants Basil to apart of his life, just in case something happens to her. I wonder if I sabataged his relationship with Basil, and kidnap his younger sister, and make it seem like she was murdered, I wonder if he is willing to keep my hands clean and doing me a favor of killing himself. During a normal day at School, his little sister, whose name is Rose, was alone in dramam club room, and apparently, the drama club was cancel for the day, because the leader was sick, it was a perfect opportunity. I snuck up behind the girl and attack her, and eventually I gabbed a bat and beat her with it until she was knocked out, and the shitty thing she did, was leave her blood in a lot of various place.

I quickly began cleaning up the blood and stuffed her body In trunk and locked it just j case she woke up, and it's not like anyone is gonna enter this club anyways, if they did and she told them she was attacked, she won't even know who did it, because she was unable to turn her head around. I walked out the room and the coast was clear and then Bad caught me at the end of the hallway and I freaked don't a little.

"Hey Sunny! I-I didn't mean to scare you! Hey I was wondering z can you help me find Rose? Ren said he couldn't find her and asked me to help, would you like to join?" I nodded and we began searching together, and we we reached the rooftop, Basil said he was gonna look in the garden one more time and told me to search for Rose on the rooftop, I didn't do much, just walked around but acted like I was when I saw Ren. Some students were crying buckets of water and left it on the rooftop and I grabbed a bucket of water. I walked over to the ledge of the roof and looked over to see if Ren was looking, him being on the other side, I turned to look down and saw Basil and dumped a bucket of water on him and threw it, running downstairs for him.

When I caught up to him I watched as he looked around to see if anyone was nearby and see me, "S-Sunny, was that you?" I shook my head, as a answer if no. "I-I uh...I saw Ren throw a bucket of water o-ob you, and I ran to make sure you were okay.

"Why would he do that to me? Was this all just a prank, I'ma get changed before class starts." When he left, I laughed to myself and then walk back inside the building and that same day, Ren was planning to give Basil a gift. I replaced it with present full of bugs, sorry basil. I walked away and looked for Basil and he looked less wet besides his hair. "Um Basil, did you find-Why are you all wet?"

"Really? I thought you would know, someone told me you dumped water on me!" He looked shocked and tried to change the topic. "What?! I didn't, someone must have lied to you, anyways um...I will just call her later, here, I wanted to give you a gift." Basil took it and began unwrapping it and then screamed, dropping the box as bugs began swarming our as the class screamed.

That same week, Basil didn't bother talking to him, and I kept sending fake letters to Basil, pretending I was Ren, and leaving his name at the bottom and Ren had nor looked the same ever sense his sister disappeared. But really she was in my basement and eventually she kept screaming at me through the whole night and eventually I killed her, stuffing her body in the trash. Today was the day Ren was gonna confess to Basil, before things got worse. He told Basil to meet him afterschool by the front gate and Basil did as he was told, though he told me before he left to hide behind a tree just in case he tires to do something stupid with him.

Ren was holding a letter and his face was red, full of embarrassment. "B-Basil, I wanted to tell you something ever since last year...I-I love you Basil! Thought there was these terrible last events lately, but I hope you could accept my confession.." Basil looked at me trying to find the right words and turned back to him. "I-I'm sorry Ren, I don't feel the same way, you been mistreating and I felt like everything you said to be before was a joke and you been treating me like one. Besides..I-I lik-no..I can't bring myself to accept your confession, have a nice day" Basil walked away and I was the one walked him home and I hugged him goodbye.

The next day, he didn't up to school, has been off school for 2 weeks now, a group of concerned students entered his house when it was unlocked and found his body, tied to a rope holding his up and a chair on the ground..


Rival 4
Name: Ren parkers
Age: 16
3rd year student
Weakness: losing something he loves
Status: dead

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