🌻||Volume 9||🌻

850 20 61

Rival 9
Name: Sora Hernandez
Age: 15
2nd year student
(Gaming club leader)
Weakness: ...
Status: Alive

this chapter contains...
Boy x Boy
Topics on mature content
Sunflower (Basil x Sunny)


(Sunny's Pov)

Tomorrow is the day where Basil tells me something important. Today however, is the day I deal with my new rival, their name is Sora, a cute 2nd year male student and Basil talked about him a few times, and he is in my class and one of the guys everyone in that class wants to be with. I never bothered to think about him or look at him, until recently. Kel told me he so happened to have a crush on Basil a little while ago and he wants to confess his feelings next week. Though this boy could be useful in some way or another, I want to end his life fast. But however z I decided to keep my hands clean for now on, because to many people are getting suspicious of me, since I am always last seen with the victim, and eveornw unfortunately is suspicious of Basil, because everyone victim had a connection with Basil.

Sora is a pure example of an extrovert and befriends everyone, is no surprise he made friends with Basil quickly, I decided the right thing to do to keep him alive is two options, 1, I pair him up with a different person, or 2, I just become friends with him and convince him to not confess his love. Both of them seem easy but it's difficult to fall and get together with someone in a week, and it's difficult to convince someone to back off on someone you love. I had no other option, but to go with the flow and I choosed to befriend him during this week and go with that.

Kel told me the quickest way is to just kill him, but that is kinda just boring if I already killed so many others and this one will end up with someone else anyway with the amount of female admirers. The boy was talking to Basil which made my blood boil and I walked over to them and waved which stopped their conversation and Basil smiled at my direction and then he sighed, I knew I kinda disppointed Jim with my entrance. I then asked Basil if he could leave for a minute and so he did, When done, I told Sora, "There is something important I need to tell you..."


"Basil is in love with someone else, I don't know who but I know it's someone that is not you. I know you like him and I know you plan to confess to him. I suggest you don't, I don't want to see your brightness go away..."

The boy stood silent, but sis not bothering answering at first and turned his head away and began to say, tearing up a little, "I'm afraid I know that but thank you for telling me, he has been talking to this person and plans to confess his love tomorrow, I forgot who but it hurts when he expresses his love for him..." I frozed for a second, I don't know who Basil likes, I don't know if Kel caught on...It couldn't be...Basil in love with someone else? Could there be a person I missed? I guess there is no point of befriending him if he is already eliminated since he will be rejected.


Rival 9
Name: Sora Hernandez
Age: 15
2nd year student
(Gaming club leader)
Weakness: being alone
Status: Alive


I walked over to Baisl as he was looking for something in his locker and screamed when he saw me, catching others attention and some others ran to the scene and pulled out pepper spray or something. I understood though, they were trying to catch the killer, Atleast the kids who did not bought the info that the police caught the "person" behind of the murders and disapearences. If they even hear a single scream, a pepper spray will be released. Basil reinsured the that everything was alright but they still kept spying.

I wonder if they had eyes on me or Basil.

"Hey Basil...do you like someone's..?"

His face turned red, and I took that as a crush and he replied while playing with a strand of his hair, "Yes I do...I plan to confess my love to them tomorrow..." I was confused why tomorrow if he wants to meet me tomorrow. I see no point of elimating this person if I don't know who it is, and I couldn't hurt someone he loves. My other rivals were different, they loved Basil, Basil didn't however. I was protecting him from loving them and not me, but would it have been wrong to kill someone Basil actually love? So I give up on Basil already. If felt myself almost tearing up and I nodded in response and Basil smiled so warmly.

I walked away and stay alone in my desk, I wonder why I liked Basil in the first place, it's because of his gentle cute looks, his warm smile, even if he is sad he makes an effort to make me happy and smile. He loves gardening, and photography, and he is passionate about his hobbies, he is kind and loyal to everyone and is caring towards his ILL grandma. Best of a he makes me feel emotion, light into the cruel world we live in. I loved him for a while now and I hoped he would return my feelings, but all my hard efforts went to waist. Getting rid of those people were a terrible idea, because they lost their life for nothing now. Maybe if he got with Noah, maybe if he got with his crush on the very beginning, none of this would never happen, no, maybe if I never met Basil, I wouldn't have to take lives from others. I'm sorry for those I killed, I promise not to take a life from another, even if one deserved it.

Noah drowned,
Una was posioned,
Emily was eletricuted
Ren killed himself,
Elijah is in jail,
Hanako was stabbed,
Komori was burned alive,
Kaito withdrawed,
And Sora was befriended I guess..

6 were killed, and 3 were taken out of his love life, I wondered if I was going to hell for this, I didn't care though, no matter where I go I go there for a reason. I then came up with an ideal if I couldn't have Basil, then no one should, I did a this hard work for nothing. I hope you can forgive me Basil..

Tomorrow, I would kidnap Basil.

~Finale chapter coming soon~

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