🌻||Volume 3||🌻

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Rival 3
Name: Emily Davis
Age: 17
4th year student
(Popular Senior)
Weakness: ...
Status: Alive

this chapter contains...
Boy x Boy
Topics on mature content
Sunflower (Basil x Sunny)


(Sunny's Pov)

7 weeks ago, I murdered a boy in the pool behind the School, he has missing posters all around our town, and 4 weeks ago since I poisoned a girl and her death was considered an accident. This time, I have a new girl to dear with, her name is Emily, a sweet, pretty, perfect, calming young lady. Basil have his eyes on her lately and she had been getting friendly with him now these past few days. I wondered what could I do to ruin their little relationship...this girl is very popular around here, so her death must look like an accident, or else the blood on my hands are visible and all my hard work will go to waist. I wonder how am I gonna kill her...I don't really know anything about her so it would be difficult, and she does not spill any important information.

During passing period or at lunch, the girl will always head to the bathroom to check herself in the mirror or actually use it. So it won't be difficult to find an opportunity somewhere. The worse part I would have to sneak into the girl's restroom as if I'm some pervert. This girl is smart and naive, so she it will take her while until something clicked. When noone was looking, I went to the pool and filled a large bucket of water, and luckily everyone is their lunch break besides the certain students. I walked over to the near the restrooms until I found her walking in, and that's when I walked in and snuck into a stall, unfortunately, 2 other girls were there, but Emily was in a stall, and some other girl I think, and I heard someone leave. I walked over to her stall, grabbed a stool and stood on top of it dumping water in the girl to where she freaked.

"Emily? Are you alright? Why was there a splash sound?"

"Someone splashed water on me? Was that you Hannah?!"

"No, I am not even near your stall dude.."

I stood off the stole and slid the bucket to where the other girl was and then ran to turn off the lights. "Emily are you sure your not trying to scare me, could you turn on the lights please?" I heard a stall open and then heard a light switch and the blood murder scream of Emily and that was time to leave, and I ran out the restroom area and acted like I was outside the entire time. Eventually the police were called once again and apparently, the bucket was the only evidence that was found and the only people she was last seen with was those two girls..none of them were arrested, because they could not link the two to any type of murder.

Luckily there was no witness nearby me this time, so there was no way someone could prove I killed her. Basil was sad about her death and I spent my time, along with others attempting to comfort him and it worked eventually, but during that time, some boy decided to get a little comfy with him lately, after every comfort, he attempts to flirt with him and Basil turns red everytime and it makes me sick. I knew I would have to get rid of him soon, but for now I'll keep him alive to learn more information about him.

Lately Basil been keeping himself a little distant from others because everyone who tried to comfort him was murdered and the police can't say which ones were murders and which were accidents, which is a good thing and others made rumors and how a killer is in disguise and is attending our school and everyone is losing friends quickly.

"Hey Sunny! Can I ask you something?" Kel yelled, I turned around and stopped reading a book and placed it down, and we were currently in the library and we were the only ones here. Kel made sure Noone was hiding and then asked me, "Do you have a crush on Basil?" I felt my cheeks become warm and I slowly nodded looking away.

"So..did you kill those people?" My eyes widend and I stood up from my seats ND yelled, "No!" Kel then crossed his arms and walked closer to me, "When the police or anyone tries to link you to any crimes, you finally decided to speak, I'm surprised no one has caught onto that then me."

"Y-Your gonna tell the police?"

"No! Your my best friends I don't like the fact your a murderer but nothing interesting happens lately, besides most of the people who are gone so far been a piece of shit to me, kinda annoying if you ask me." Kel told me and then he looked at me and then asked, "Well I know a lot of information on different types of students...I can help you if! You help me with something with Aubrey

I nodded but titled my head, letting him know what I wanted to know about the last part, "I like her okay!" I swear if I was drinking water I would have choked it out by now, that caught me off guard. I wonder why he liked Aubrey, I never liked Aubrey one bit, hearing someone had a crush on her surprised me. If Kel helps me, I would get rid of rivals faster and will be able to confess .h love for him faster. Those I should slow down my pace on those people, I rather get rid of them even if it means killing more of them, and some might be useful maybe.


Rival 3
Name: Emily Davis
Age: 17
4th year student
(Popular Senior)
Weakness: None
Status: Dead

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