🌻||Volume 6||🌻

933 23 52

Rival 6
Name: Hanako kyuji
Age: 15
1st year student
(New student)
Weakness: ...
Status: Alive

this chapter contains...
Boy x Boy
Topics on mature content
Sunflower (Basil x Sunny)


(Sunny's Pov)

During the middle of the day, Kel walked over to me and told me to come with him alone, so we walked to a private area and he began speaking In a low voice, "there is a new girl who came into my class recently, her name is Hanako, and apparently Basil showed her around the School and she fell in love with him insently, that was a week ago, studying her she is still getting used around here and when your gone, Basil hangs out with her and she seems to be getting cozy with him, but she doesn't trust new people easily for whatever reason, so she must like Basil if she trusted him that quickly!" I nodded and asked, "How do I..get rif of her?"
"I'm afraid I don't have the answer, maybe if you gain her trust, and get to know her, you might find an opportunity and lure her into something she can't escape from... I'll keep an eye on her and investigate the girl more and kf I find something interesting I'll inform you right away."

The name Hanako means flower, and she seems to like flower, because when I went to look for her, she had a pink flower in her hair and she joined the gardening club but has not spoken to the members as much. She had beautiful long green hair and blue eyes, and her voice was calming, if Basil keeps spending time with her, he might fall in love with her quick. Because she does what she loves most, taking care of the flowers, and she is in the gardening club! Taking care of plants is one of Basil's favorite thing in the world. I spend my time helping him with flowers but, she also has beautiful looks, and a cute smile, and compliments Basil with her passion in photography. I hated her already, hearing her name makes me sick.

When she was alone, I walked over to her and she looked at me and was frighten, I waved to her and she said, "Y-Your eyes... they look so, emotionless... you like a - nevermind...what do you need?" She seemed scared, is my appearance the reason why? She judges people based on how they look? "I-Uh...I heard your new here...I hope to get along with you, and your friends with my best friend, Basil" Her eyes wide and she quickly changed her mood, "I-Im sorry! I didn't knew Basil had other friends, wait..are you Sunny? You sure don't look Sunny.." I wanted to break her neck.

I tried to force a kind smile, "It's alright...would you like to be friends with me?" She stood back a little and nodded, knowing that Hanako, she only wants to be friends with me because I'm friend with Basil. Being friends with her for over a week now and I think I gained her trust, because I talked about Basil and taught her how to be confident, tricking her."

One day, there was an upcoming exam for everyone to do and study for, which was my chance to climate her, Kel told me I could kill her at my place and told me how to dispose of the body at my place. I knew she wouldn't come to my place that easily, because she would think I will lure her into something, because she is really smart for her age, but I came up with an idea, which I wasn't lying, "Hey Hanako, since the exam is coming up, Basil and I are gonna study at my place, would you like to join us?" She nodded and I told her to come over at 4:30 after school today, but I lied about the time, I told Basil she would be joining us at 6:00 and told him to come at that time also. It gives me a chance to kill her in that time limit, which won't be hard.

When she arrived she asked if Basil was here, "He said he was gonna late, would you like some snacks? Might as well gain some energy now so you aren't tired later." She nodded and J gave her some chips and told her to follow me, "you have such a nice place Sunny, where are your parents?"

"My sister and mom are at work. They should be back by tonight." I led her to my room and said I was gonna be back and told her to make herself comfortable. In the end, I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a night and stuffed it in my backpack and went back to my room pretending I was grabbing stuff to study, it was 4:59 P.M, I was grabbing out my stuff and she also began to unpack. I thigh for a minute and asked, "Hey Hanako? Do you like Basil? As more than a friend?"

"I-I what?! No!"
"You can tell me, I won't say anything."
"Well...y-yes, I hope one day to confess my love, but that won't be for another long time"

She looked at the window, and J told her, "I'm sorry, but that won't happen" I said, reaching into my bag and grabbed into the knife, "Your saying I should confess to him early?!" She was red and I shook my head, "then what"

"He's mine" I grabbed the knife out of my back and she screamed, I tackled her to the ground easily, because she was very weak, and stabbed her while covering her mouth, and I kept stabbing her, over and over again,until her eyes close, I stabbed her another 10 times to make sure she is dead, I stabbed her heart, and room a deep breath.

Shit, I made a mess, Basil will be coming soon. I cut off her limbs and stuffed them In a trash bag and than began grabbing bleach and amop and cleaned up the blood, I made sure to use a blacklight and sprayed the room to remove the smell of blood and picked up the trash bag and threw it intot he trash can and went inside and began preparing snacks for Basil's arrivals. I texted Kel that I disposed of the girl and he gave me a thumbs up. The door bell rang and there stood Basil, smiling so sweetly as usual.

"Hey Sunny! Is Hanako here yet?"
"She had last minute plans and said she will try to find a time to study another day..."
"Keep talking more Sunny! I love it when you use your voice!" I blushed and nodded and then we went to my room to go study and eat.

As Basil and I studied, he was unaware, that he was sitting in the exact same spot where I killed Hanako.


Rival 6
Name: Hanako kyuji
Age: 15
1st year student
(New student)
Weakness: Being in strangers homes
Status: Dead

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