🌻||Volume 7||🌻

856 23 85

Rival 7
Name: Komori Harris
Age: 16
3rd year student
(Protective student)
Weakness: ...
Status: Alive

this chapter contains...
Boy x Boy
Topics on mature content
Sunflower (Basil x Sunny)


(Sunny's Pov)

It's been almost a month since Hanako died, and it has not been doing good some students, mostly everyone is staying near each other and protecting each other. If someone were to like Basil now, it would be hard for me to kill that person. Just as I suspected, another person has fallen for Basil, another 3rd year, Komori, she is one of the strongest students attending out School, she is known to be protective over people she loves, and Kel told me she had feelings for Basil for 2 years now, I don't understand how I didn't notice her.

Though she is tough and smart, Kel was able to find some weaknesses on the girl, and he sent me a message on my phone.

Apparently one time, a small fire occurred at her house, foaming in her bedroom for mysteries reasons, and Komori was sleeping when this was happening. Ever since then, she was afraid of fires, maybe you can do something similar to Hanako, trick her, and then burn her alive.

I'll see what I could do about it. Thank you Kel.


"Afraid of fires huh?" I thought to myself. Komori was busy talking to Basil , and I decided to ears drop to which I heard something useful, "Hey Basil! You seem more upset lately is it because if the sudden accidents and disapearences?"

"I'm sure it's all over now! I mean someone was sent to jail because they killed a student...but recently my friend, Hanako, has not been coming to School, I'm afraid she might be missing. This kept happening during the week if the sudden incidents, it was confirmed that all those students could have been dead. I don't have the evidence but I'm sure they got the wrong person."

"I'm sure they did! Hanako is a bright student and she is brave! She wouldn't go missing out randomly."

"But, every person lately that I have close to has been disappearing lately, as if someone is cutting them out of my life forever!"

"Look into the bright side! I'm still here, your childhood friends are still here! Everything will be fine..I know it! One day this will end! Now I was wondering, if you maybe wanted to hang out at this abandoned building after school! I plan on going there alone but I want you to join me!"

"A-Abanded? I wouldn't bother going...just send me pictures or something!"


A lot of unfortunate things happen to people when they decide to be stupid and explore abandon places. Would be a shame if she headed there and was burned. I was walking over to Basil and then Komori stood up and held her arms out and was "protecting" Basil. "Who are you?! You look like the type to hurt someone as innocent as Basil!" Basil stood up and grabbed her arms, "Komori! This is my friend...Sunny! My childhood friend actually.." she glared at me and nodded and I glared back at her back. I walked back to Basil and hugged her and smirked at the girl and she looked pissed.


That night, Kel told me her location and I grabbed another spared backpack from last year and packed some gasoline and matches and I smirked, I zipped my backpack and before I left, I wore a dark black hoodie, and wore a mask, to hide my identity. I walked out the house and began looking at my phone and straight ahead, trying to find the location, once I was a few seconds in walking distance from the entrance of the building, I saw Komori and she ran straight into the building, knocking the door within a few kicks and it amazed me. I snuck in from behind and she began making loud noises and I snuck into a dark corner, avoiding from being in the presence of her bright flashlight.

She began taking pictures and I eventually found a staircase, the place she was exploring was a old school that was destroyed in a earthquake a long time ago, and rumors had it that a school shoer came and killed everyone, which explains the faint bloodstains on the wall. As the girl was having her fun, I grabbed the can of gasoline and poured it at the girl and then she screamed, "W-What the fuck is this?! Is this gasoline?!" I grabbed a rope and tighten it around a railing and slide down and she signed the flashlight at me and yelled, "Take off you mask you creep! Are you the one who poured gasoline on me?!" she threaten me, and I knew that because she had pepper spray with her. I pulled off my hoodie and mask and she gasped, "S-Sunny?! What are you doing here?! Is this a prank?! Did Basil sent you hear?! I knew you were trouble!"

I shook my head, "No, I came to keep you away from Basil.."
"You did that by pouring gasoline on me? Real smart bitch" I smiled and lit a match from behind my back and threw it towards her and made a run, the girl began screaming in pain from the fire beginning to spread around her, because I heard being burned alive could be one of the most painful death a person can experience. I heard the fire spreading and as I was about to leave, I saw her body layed on wood, and it was beginning to spread from there to the second floor and I ran away as fast as I could.

When I got home, I turned on the lights to only turn around and see Mari and she smiles, speaking so gently, "My! You looked like you had fun killing Komori!" I gasped as she stepped forward to me and patted my head, "We really are siblings! You followed I to my footsteps so perfectly!"

"Footsteps?" I said quietly and she nodded, "I killed about 8 girls in the past year, and confessed my love and got with the clueless Hero!" That day, Mari and I watched the news and the police found the girls decaying body and the were trying to put out the fire before the people around the building could get harmed. It was priceless to watched, and then an unexpected text from Basil...

He told me to meet him at the park near our. neighborhood next Friday.


Rival 7
Name: Komori Harris
Age: 16
3rd year student
(Protective student)
Weakness: Fire
Status: Dead

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