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Third person P.O.V

(Y/N) was dropped in a facility close to Al Mazrah. Leaving her things, she began to get ready and suited up. She was given orders to meet up with Soap MacTavish upon her arrival. Wearing her signature mask -

, she stepped out, got her weapons and met up with the Sergeant, Soap noticing her due to her mask, he greeted her

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, she stepped out, got her weapons and met up with the Sergeant, Soap noticing her due to her mask, he greeted her. "Hey Sarge, you must be (Y/N)-" she cut him off before he could finish. "Call me D." He smirked at the little nickname, "Alrighty. D. I'm Johnny, but they call me Soap." He extended his hand to her, and (Y/N) gladly shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you Soap, heard about you from Captain Price, good with a sniper?" Soap brightly beamed at her comment and smirked a bit. "I hope they were all great things, but yes, SAS sniper to be exact."   (Y/N) smiled as she was excited for the mission "Well in that case soap, I can't wait to see you drop those bodies, let's go Sergeant." Soap looked a little shocked at her comment, but non the less, was glad to know you were on board.
(Y/N) and Soap hoped into the back of the truck and began to be transported to the drop point where they'll meet their Lieutenant.

Ghost P.O.V
I headed to the drop point to meet with my team. Shepherd on the line with me through comms.
S "You're wheels-up in five"
G "Roger"
S "Marines are loading in now. You and the Sergeants are leading the way on this"
Bloody hell why wasn't I informed of this shit.
G "The Sergeants?"
S "Soap MacTavish and D (L/N)"
I see them get out from the trunk, and notice the Sergeants, but one with a half demon mask really catches my eye, she gets off and gives me a very dominant look. Judging by her red and black mask, that must be the Demon Price mentioned me about. Soap came in and fist bumps my shoulder.
"Let's get ourselves a win, yeah, L.T.?"
D looks at Soap and giggled a bit.
"Like we'd have a choice in that Sergeant"
Soap and D walk off ready to go for the mission.
"I'll save you a seat, sir...." Soap clarifies before he walks off.
G "Fucking hell...."
S "Ghost- you copy?"
G "Yes, sir"
S "Any issues?"
G "Negative, sir, Out here." I headed to the plane ready to go. I'm not so pleased with what the outcome might be.
(Y/N) P.O.V
We arrived to the hide out. I can feel tension in the plane. Throughout the plane ride, the Lieutenant kept his gaze on me, at first I pretended not to notice, but it was pretty hard to ignore his stare. I finally looked at him and we held eye contact, not saying a word, just staring, it's hard to tell what face he's making with the mask, but judging by his body posture, he didn't look pleased. Soap tapped me and made me break eye contact with the Lieutenant, " You seem a bit tense D, something wrong?" I looked at him with a smile. " No, just spaced out, but seems we are about to arrive." I look out through the small window, noticing we were decreasing altitude, I then saw Ghost stand and speak.
"Bravo team offloads here. Alpha team stays onboard to land downrange. Both teams meet in the middle. Remember, we want Hassan alive, but this is capture or kill."
Bravo team stood up as well as Soap, I stayed with Alpha, as the plan goes. Soap stood up to me and gave me a fist bump, I looked at him funny but gladly fist bumped him back. I looked at Ghost catching him stare at me one last time. He breaks the eye contact and heads out of the plane. "Keep up, Soap"
Ghost, Soap, and Bravo team get off. We depart and start to fly off to our checkpoint, so far everyone's quite, I look down, focusing on my weapon as I mentally prep myself for the mission. It's been months since I've been in the field. I hear the pilot talk through comms, "Razor-1, all Bravo deployed. Moving to secondary HLZ."
I look out the window and see hostiles aiming us down, then the alert goes of on the plane "All stations- Razor-1 is bracketed, we're getting lit!"
I grab to my seat to brace for impact.
"Incoming- Flares! Flares!" The pilot was able to dodge the missile with cover.
I hear Bravo 7-3 in comms, with worry in his voice "Shit that was close!" "Sure fucking was." I say out loud, but sadly we were alerted another missile and we were not prepared for that. I hear Bravo 7-6 in comms yelling "Second missile!"
Bravo 7-2 comms "Oh fuck..."
Just like that we got hit. I get back in my seat and buckle up for the impact now to come. I can hear the pilot yell in fear. I hear Soap yell in comms "(Y/N)!" and L.T. Curse as well "Bloody fucking hell."
Razor 1 Pilot "Razor 1 going down! We're going down!" "Everyone hold on!" I yell and hold on for dear life. We crash right in the center of fire.
I force myself to stay awake and not lose consciousness. I get up and grab my weapon. I check on the others, I check their pulse, but it seems they didn't make it. Checked the front for the pilots and I hear someone cough, it was Alpha 0-2.
I hear his comm go off.
Ghost "Alpha, what's your status?!" I go to him and move him so he can be out of site from the front window.
He finally opened his eyes and looked at me, "You alright?" He nodded at me and I heard his comms go off again.
Ghost "Alpha, how copy...?"
Alpha O-2" Bravo- Alpha is immobile. Multiple critical!" I hear a worried Soap in the background
"Ghost, we need to secure that crash site now."
I grab my comms to stop him.
"Soap this is D, hold on that, you need to move forward to secure Hassan, I'll hold with Alpha 0-2." It went quiet, for a moment with no response back. The comms finally went off.
Ghost "Alpha, we're moving to building 1. Hold tight!"
(Y/N) "Yes sir"
I peek through the window to my surroundings and so far I don't see anyone out there, not even Hassan's men. I check in Alpha 0-2 "can you stand?"
He looks up at me "Yea just in pain from landing....., how much ammunition do we have left." I checked the entrance as it was busted open from landing, "We have 2 ammunition box and set of 4 frags and a flash bangs -" I look at my team who is now on dead on the floor, "and whatever these guys had on them. I can say that we are quite short on ammo." He looked at me in disappointment as he looks like he's calculating his chances of getting out of this situation. I sit back on the wall of the plane and hold position, it was quiet as I can only hear the gunfire from the enemies a few buildings down
*Sounds like they're close by, I should keep watch from any hostiles to come closer before Bravo team arrive.* a few moments later I see a hostile in building two holding an RPG. "Oh shit"
Soaps P.O.V
We finished sweeping out the first building and headed to next one.
Ghost "All Bravo, move on building two!"
I'm surprised L.T. didn't retaliate D's request to head to the crash site, but if D is fine with it, I won't deny her request.
After closing in to the second building, comms go off.

Alpha 0-2 "Bravo, crash site is taking RPGs from building two, second deck!"
Me and L.T. tense up, he responds back
Ghost "Alpha, taking building two now, hold fast!" He quickly quickens his pace and heads in.
We hold our position in the middle of the field, but we've been spotted!
AQ Soldier "They are coming! Take positions!"

AQ Soldier 2 "Amin! Guard the back room! Do not let them in!"

We quickly run to the building and prep for breach.
Ghost "Prep for breach."
Soap "7-1 moving interior."
I walk in and clear out the entrance.
Bravo 7-3 pushes through leads upstairs "Pushing up to second deck. They're here."
Soap "7-1, moving to second deck."
As Bravo 7-3 peeks the room, he's shot in the chest, with impact, he falls back to the wall, I go in and shoot the AQ Soldier down. I push next door and flash bang two AQ Soldiers and take them out. I walk in and only see a recording of Hassan giving a message of terrorism.
Soap "Ghost, enemy rockets down."
Ghost "Roger. Time to hit the crash site."
Soap "Got a video of Hassan in here."
L.T. speaks in a sarcastic voice.
Ghost "Hassan's their hero."
Soap "They're gonna need a new hero...."
I go back down to meet up with L.T.
Ghost "The house is clear, time to go."
I check on Bravo 7-3.
"You good, mate?" I see him get back up as the impact from the gunshot almost knocked him out.
"Yeah, plate stopped it." He looks at the dead AQ Soldiers.
"These the fuckers that hit Alpha?"
"Aye. Now we can secure the crash site."
I head down stairs with Bravo 7-3.

Ghost "MacTavish, we're moving to the crash site. All Bravo, circle up outside" we get low and head out.

Soap "Ghost, Soap- AQ's workin' with some good gear."

Ghost "Soap-we're moving to the crash site to help the wounded. Rest o' you hold here and cover us."
Bravo 7-6 "Rog."
I join L.T. and head out to meet D, I hope she's good, so much for meeting new people, wonder if D's gotten any laldy.

I hope you enjoyed the action, now we slowly get to the small interactions🥰

—————————————————————————I hope you enjoyed the action, now we slowly get to the small interactions🥰

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My Demons ~ Simon (Ghost ) Riley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now