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Soap's P.O.V

After Ghost and D left, I stayed behind in the meeting room. I smiled thinking what those two love birds are currently doing now. Alejandro and Rudy walked towards me, noticing I was alone.

"Where's D?" Alejandro asked looking around, Rudy then chimed in. "Where's Ghost?"

I couldn't help but smile and raise an eyebrow. "She's currently with the lieutenant having a talk." Rudy lightly chuckled. "Is that so..." Alejandro raised an eyebrow in question and then in concern. "Why are you two so giggly, they're just talking, nothing more nothing less. You're both acting as if they're dating." Me and Rudy look at each other, and then back at Alejandro. We both burst into laughter having to hold each other, catching the shadow groups attention. Rudy noticed and calmed down, clearing his throat, catching my attention and calming down my composure.

Alejandro gave me a 'really' look, I calmed down and looked around as some of the shadows were staring at us, especially Graves, he had an unamused look in his face. Alejandro cleared his throat, catching my attention again, then gestured me to follow him, Rudy also noticed and followed. Alejandro walked us outside. He looked around, checking to see if we were alone.

Alejandro gave us a furious look, "What is wrong with you two, are you trying to out them."

Me and Rudy gave Alejandro a questionable look. "What do you mean?" I spoke. Alejandro sighed and looked around to make sure we were actually alone. "When we got back from the mission, I went to the changing room, to take off my things, when some of the shadows came in to change out as well. I didn't care if there were other people around, but what caught my attention was one of Graves OFC were talking about D." I gave Alejandro a questionable look.

- Alejandro's P.O.V Flashback - Several hours ago -

I removed my vest and jacket, when a small group of shadows came in. "What's so great about that Demon anyway, she's just another soldier in the field." One said irritated. I paused and covered my face with the locker door, so they wouldn't notice me and slowly removed my things and listened.

 "At least she can get the job done herself, unlike the commander." The first guy punched his arm. "Come on she's just one soldier. Does it make it special that she's a chick, if it does, I can understand why we need her in the team." The first guy laughed as he changed out of his clothes. "No, Golden eagle wants her in the team, and he wants Graves to recruit her. The reason, I don't know, but if Graves doesn't deliver, he's in big trouble." The third one finally spoke. "And how would you know." The first guy asked with a bit of annoyance in his voice. "Because I got the incoming call from the Golden Eagle, when he requested to speak with Graves." The second guy was amused and gave a sly smirk. "So, she means business, if it's catching the Generals attention, it must be serious." The third guy only sighed. "Yea, but I don't know what the commanders gonna do, to recruit her. Ya'll knows how he is when he wants to recruit someone, especially if their women." The first guy laughed again. "Oh, I know my commander, and he can be a sweet talker." Both men gave the first guy a disgusting look. "What, afraid he'll make her into a barrack bunny."

I was shocked but stayed quiet. D was in trouble; I have to give her a heads up.

The third guy spoke again, but his tone was depressing. "Well, the thing is if she declines Graves, will be on her like a hound chasing a fox, he's not gonna give up until she says yes or makes her into a barrack bunny, unless the General changes his mind on her." They finish changing. "Let's head out, Graves said we have a meeting." The shadows walked out and I heavily sighed. I stepped out and headed to the meeting room to review the info from Hassan.

My Demons ~ Simon (Ghost ) Riley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now