Simon (Ghost) Riley x Fem!reader
(y/n) was a rookie rising to the top quickly setting her rank and showing her skills through combat and leading.
Joining at just 17 years old, (y/n) no longer wanted to deal with her life, nothing to go back t...
(y/n) A girl who joined the army to put meaning in her life. Has no family that cared for her. Only her mother wanting for her to leave as she can never follow her steps of being a proper women. She can never rise up to her brothers reputation, "You're nothing more than a women" as her mother always reminds her. (Y/N) not wanting to depend on any man, is the last thing she wants in her life, so to speak. She didn't mind the concept of romantic feelings, but her mother trying to raise her, what a man would really want in a women, took dating out of the picture, in her life. She worked on herself and trained to rise passed her ranking officers. (Y/N) stayed in the army for 3 years never contacting her mother again. • • • ~•3 years later•~ October 25, 2019 Within her 3rd year, she was in active duty, staying and living in the base. With that same year, she deployed overseas and stayed in England. During the time she stayed in the base, she was in London deploying into a terror threat level. You deployed with Cadet Brooks, Sergeant Crowley and Sergeant Garrick.
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(Outfit, but also wearing a black mask)
(Y/N) spots a van with weapon in sight "Heads up whit van. Weapons in view..." SGT. Garrick noticing my view "That them. Spotting a white van, multiple aged military men, weapon's visible, moving to intercept." Raven's on the line with Garrick, "Roger. Unless an attack is imminent - do not engage." "White van on the left side" CST. Brooks approaching closer, (y/n) tagging along. Brooks stops one of the men and pins him down. "Come'ere, don't fucking move!". (Y/N) still in sight of the white van, she sees two men get out. One ready and strapped with a bomb and the other ready to shoot, protecting him. (Y/N) hated the fact that one man. Barkov. Can have so much influence to the people, only to harm others. One of the Al-Qatala Fighters spoke "You're making a mistake." SGT. Crowley notices the van start to leave. "They're taking' off!", Garrick calls for Raven.
"Raven, suspect vehicle is headed your way." Then and explosion happen. The van crashed into a building causing an explosion to occur and panic quickly spreading out to the people. Brooks loses grip on the man he had pinned down, SGT. Crowley yells "Gun! Gun!", (y/n) picks herself up from the explosion, ready to get her gun, but Brooks is shot dead. "No!" Garrick yells. SGT. Crowley is now yelling "Brook's gone! They fucking got him!"
Raven "Sabre 2, what the hell is going on down there?" Garrick "There's been a detonation at Piccadilly Circus! Shots fired! Officers down! We need medical down here now!" I follow Garrick behind him going in to the next location.
SGT. Crowley "Fucking hell, Kyle- look what they did to our home!" (Y/N) was in utter shock how things escalated quickly, but there was no time to stop we had to keep going. They move forward, many civilians injured from the explosion, and some being shot down by the Al-Qatala Fighters. I run forward and shoot them down.
Garrick yells almost in panic "Just follow me!", unsure as to what is going through his mind, (y/n) asked "Left or right, Sergeant?!", he remained silent until Raven called in.