(Y/N) P.O.V
I caught up with Alejandro and Soap down the river. Ghost soon following behind me. Alejandro guided us to the bridge for the drop point. "We're so close." Soap said out loud, but he spoke to soon.
The Mexican army had caught up to us.
Alejandro quickly began to swim towards cover. "Move down river to the bridge. Use the rocks for cover." I quickly swam towards a rock and took cover. Ghost following me.Alejandro Comms "All stations, this is Victor-O-1- How copy?"
We finally caught a signal.
Comms " --dow 1! Do you--? -ay again, -o you're--?"
I smile lightly as we caught some type of signal "Radio's picking up somethin'."
"Sounds American." Ghost stated.
I grabbed my weapon and checked my mag, seeing if I had enough ammunition left.
Ghost noticed and gave me 4 mags. I looked at him and thanked him, he looked at me "No problem, just keep ya head down, I got you." He peaked and began shooting at the enemies. I looked at him a bit flabbergasted, but quickly snapped out of it. I quickly reloaded my gun, and began to peak out to see the enemies, but it seemed there were enemies snipers already aiming at us to shoot us down. They shot at me l, but still missed me, Ghost grabbed my arm and pulled me down. "Use the rocks for cover! Don't peak out to much!" I got a little irritated at his comment as it felt like he was babysitting me. Out of annoyance, I peaked in view of Mexican soldiers, and shot a few enemies down. Ghost was a stunned at my quick action and took a moment to reload. "Lieutenant, I can take care of myself, we need to keep moving!" He side eyed me, but still focused on taking down the enemies. I wrapped my gun around myself and began swimming. I passed Soap and got to Alejandro "Keep pushing up river."
Ghost aggressively swam towards us, but was being pushed away "The rivers slowing us down mate!"
Alejandro looked forward "It gets shallow up ahead!"
Soap and Ghost still shot back at enemies. Ghost looked ahead at the bridge "Vehicles on the bridge!"
Alejandro smiled but quickly dropped to a frown. "They're not ours! Fuck it's the army!"
The soldiers got out of their vehicles and began to shoot down at us. Ghost grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him behind a rock "Get to cover!"
Alejandro checked for comms, but signal was still weak "We have to hold here and get extraction."
Soap yelled at Alejandro in frustration "We can't do shite against that armor!"
I checked my ammunition and I was down to 2 mags that Ghost had given me "We're low on ammo, it's gonna take a damn miracle if we're gonna make it out."
Then comms went off.Graves Comms "This is Shadow-1. Engaging the bridge north of your position, danger close."
Alejandro gave a confused look "Who the hell is that?"
Ghost seemed to sound happy "Commander Graves, Shadow Company. They're with us."Ghost Comms "Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7! Good shots! Fire for effect!"
A mortar strike came and dropped down bombs, and exploded on the bridge. Making all the Mexican army and their vehicles explode off and the bridge to collapse.
Graves comms "All stations, no enemy movement detected. You're clear. It's good to see you boys and little gal."
I rolled my eyes at his comment.
Ghost seemed a bit cheery but still kept his composure "Likewise, mate."
Alejandro finally stepped out of the water and reached land "This way!"
I followed Alejandro out of the water and saw him catch his breathe against a truck. I then joined him leaning against the truck. I loosened, but didn't remove my mask, to let whatever water was trapped I had in my mask, so I could breathe properly. Alejandro looked at me with a bit of curiosity.
"Don't you ever get tired of wearing that mask bonita? Ya know your covering something beautiful under that." I looked at him with a bit of a irritated look "Why ask?"
Alejandro smirked "Little feisty I see." I glared at him as he would make a hit on me in this moment. I ignored him and undid my hair as it got tangled from the water. I awaited Soap and Ghost to join us, as they were still near the water. I looked back at them and it seemed like Ghost already had his eyes on me from afar. His eyes seemed dark, but he didn't look away.
I heavily sighed and looked away from him. I checked if the doors were open in the truck and to my favor they were. I sat in the backseat and awaited for the boys to see what will happen next. I took this time to check my ear as it was still ringing a bit.

My Demons ~ Simon (Ghost ) Riley x Fem!Reader
RomanceSimon (Ghost) Riley x Fem!reader ----- (y/n) was a rookie rising to the top quickly setting her rank and showing her skills through combat and leading. Joining at just 17 years old, (y/n) no longer wanted to deal with her life, nothing to go back t...