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(Y/N) P.O.V
We finally arrived to base.
Rodolfo and Alejandro took Hassan out from the back of the vehicle. Soap grabs Hassan and directs them to graves.
Hassan stayed silent as he had no choice but to follow. I get out of the vehicle and take off my bandage from my ear since it was loose. Ghost came up to me.
"You alright there." I didn't expect him to ask. "Yea, just a bit of pain..." I avoid eye contact with him and start to walk to off. Ghost began to follow me. It was silent, but he still remained by my side. I knew if I looked at him, my cheeks would heat up. "Sargent...hold on." I felt a hand on my shoulder, making  me stop, but I still didn't look up to him. I then felt a hand on the right side of my cheek, then it slid to my ear. He made me look at him. "How's that wound holding up Sargent...." I blushed. "Fine Lieutenant..." my cheeks quickly heating up. Ghost seemed noticed. "You alright? Your cheeks are burnin..." I move my head away from his hand and look away from him. "I'm fine sir." I say with a stern tone. He looked at me and remained silent. Ghost only chuckled. I look back at him, my blush still visible, it didn't want to go away.
I think to myself on what I should do next. "I'm gonna take care of this wound and clean myself up. You should head back with the others Lieutenant." Ghost only looked at me with his half lidded eyes. "Alright." He began to walk off and started to head to Alejandro and the others. I waited for Ghost to be out of sight before I continued. I wanted to be alone. My heart beated so fast, I didn't know how to react.
As he walked off, I headed back to the locker room. Making sure no one was there, I walked in and removed my armor and placed it in my locker. I removed my boots and deeply sighed as a wave of relief hit my feet.
I was finally alone.
I grab my jacket and head to my room. I grab a long sleeve and another pair of pants and take them with me to the bathroom. I take off my mask and look at myself in the mirror. The cut on my cheek was starting to properly scar. I look at my ear and see there was a bit of dried up blood still left in my ear. I take a deep shower letting all the dirt and dried up blood fall off my body. I grab the soap and scrub whatever blood stayed on. I couldn't help but think about him.
He was so domineering, making me look up at him, the way he stares at me....I can't help but blush.
I hear a knock from my door. I quickly finish up and change into my clothes. I was going to grab my mask, but it was dirty.
Not a lot of people have seen my face, other than Price and Laswell...and now Ghost.
I grab the towel and put it on my face. I walk out of the restroom still drying out my hair while still covering my face. I walk past whoever knocked at my door.
"You must be the Demon." they finally spoke. "It's nice to finally see you in person."
I grab my half cut balaclava and put it on, still keeping the towel over my head to cover my face. I turned around and see a man I don't recognize.
I only give him a stern look. "And you are?" He's taken back by my comment, but shakes it off. "The names Grave's. I've heard a few things about you." He smirked at me.
I only gave him a blank stare, he was sort of making me uncomfortable with the tone of his voice, almost sounding flirtatious.
"I hope they were good things." I finish drying my hair and walking back to the restroom to brush my hair. He followed and leaned against the door frame. "They were very good things, and I wanted to give you an offer."
I didn't pay much attention to him but still listened. I looked at him through the mirror in silence, but continued to brush my hair.
"How would you like to be my 2nd in command in the Shadow company." He stated with a sly smirk. I returned my gaze to myself, making sure I didn't miss any tangled spots.
I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked out of the restroom. I turn around and finally decide to look at him. "Why the offer?" I cross my arms and give him a blank stare.
He still kept the smirk on his face but approached me and stood right in front of me. "I've seen the way you fight and may I say, it's impressive what you can do with a knife. I need someone like you to command my group of soldiers and get shit done." He looked me up and down, I noticed and took a step back. "Or....." he continued on and took a step towards me, to close the space between us. "Would you like to relax and take care of my boys." He said in a flirtatious manner.
My blood boils and I stay silent. I give him a death stare as to what gave him the right mind to suggest such a thing.
I grab his vest and pull him towards me, just mere inches from my face. "What bullshit are you blabbering at." I give him a stern look. He only put his hands up in defense. "Woah now, just wanted to see if you'd like to personally take care of my boys need and possibly mine, doll." He inched his face closer to me. I glared at him "What type of person do you take me for. Hm." I say in a monotone voice with anger. I ball up my fist and prepare to throw a punch. Graves is caught off guard and doesn't have time to cover his face, and within seconds, Ghosts walks in, causing my fist to stop mere inches from his face. Ghost is shocked as to what he walked into. I hold my punch and shove Graves off of me, causing him to fall on the ground.
"If you ever talk to me in that manner, I'll make sure you never have kids again." I grab my cigarettes and walk out of the room. I head to the weight room to blow off some steam.
Ghost P.O.V.
Me and the others, had just ended the call with General Shepard and Laswell, in regards to the interrogation of Hassan. We weren't pleased with the outcome of releasing him back out to the city.
I head to the room where I was hoping (Y/N) would be, to see how's she's holding up. I walk in and shock hits me. (Y/N) is holding Graves by his vest, and Graves has a frightened look in his eyes. They both look at me. (Y/N) shoves Graves to the floor. "If you ever talk to me in that manner, I'll make sure you never have kids again." She says it with such spite. She grabs something, I couldn't see what it was, and walks off. I go after her - "Ya gonna help me up Lieutenant?" I stop in my tracks and look back at him. He says with a hand in the air. I squint my eyes at him, but still grab his hand to stand up.
"What in the Bloody hell happened?" Graves gives me a worries look. "I just offered her a great position in the Shadow company and I guess she didn't like my offer." He chuckles.
I don't buy it.

My Demons ~ Simon (Ghost ) Riley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now