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Back at base
(Y/N) P.O.V
We head back to base awaiting orders from Laswell and Shepherd. Everyone gets off the plane and heads towards the facility. I head to the locker where I dropped my belongings when I first arrived.

(Your locker is at the end

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(Your locker is at the end.)

I take off my helmet and bullet vest, and put it inside the locker. As well as my throwing knifes, my pistol and my tactical gear belt. Soap, Ghost and Bravo team walk-in moments later to the locker room to un-suit up.
I feel eyes on me again as if someone was watching me, I stand back and peek my eye out to the side, the locker door still covering my face.
I peek out and side eye the area, I see Soap by his locker, putting up his things and next to him was Ghost. I was right when I knew I had eyes on me, I see Ghost have half lidded eyes staring right at me. I look away and sit down, to continue taking off the armor I had. I took off my jacket, my elbow pads, and then my knee pads following with my shin pads and put them in the locker. I side eye him again, he still has his eyes on me and I couldn't help but lightly blush. I'm not use to someone eyes on me. I went to my mask to take it off, but hold as I knew if I did take it off, Ghost would see my face and my blush, plus I wouldn't know how my graze is looking right now.
I get up and grab by baggage and step out of the locker room. I try to find a room to tend to my graze and freshen up. Soap catches up to me and taps my shoulder, "Where ya heading to D." I look at him with a tired look.
"Trying to see what will be my room. Seeing as they really don't have a women's section here" Soap looked like he was thinking and smiled. "How'a bout ye and the Lieutenant take a room and I stay with the team." I look at him stunned and stopped in my tracks at his comment, he stops and turns to me with his arms crossed, smirking at me.
I squint my eyes at him "Why the suggestion?" He kept the smirk on his face. "I think ye know why, D" I couldn't help but blush at his comment. "Ye know (Y/N) -" I give him a stern look. "Sorry, I know, I know, D.... I saw the way ye looked at L.T.." I avoid his gaze and start to walk off, "You saw nothing Soap." "Oh, but I did and those were googly eyes, D. Back there at the battlefield."
Soap catches up to me again, "Why ya running away?" I look at him with a 'you serious look' "You do realize I just met the Lieutenant, don't you?" He gives me a funny look " Judging by the way he was look'en at you in the battlefield, and the locker room. Seems like he knew ya, D." I look back at Soap, as he did have a point. He kept eyeing me for almost the entirety of the mission. Then the explosion from the gernades at the crash site when he grabbed my waist...

 Then the explosion from the gernades at the crash site when he grabbed my waist

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My Demons ~ Simon (Ghost ) Riley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now