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(Y/N) P. O.V
Me and the boys went inside the building and cleared through, shooting down the cartel solider one by one.
As we cleared the buildings, shadow company cleared the area outside.

Graves comms "Use the 25 mike-mike to limit collateral. Love this shit."

Shadow-1 Nav comms "Oh, yeah, Got him"

I giggled as I didn't expect Graves to swear. I looked at Ghost and he had eyes on me, he seemed a bit irritated, but I didn't put much attention to it. I checked the rooms to make sure Hassan wasn't in the building. It was a negative. "Building cleared! No sign of Hassan."
Soap stepped out another room "Negative here,sir. Where's the little prick."
I noticed Soap was low on ammo so I threw a mag for his ammunition. "We'll find him, but first you need to stock up on ammo, you're low." He caught the mag with ease. Ghost looked at me "You should preserve your ammo Sergeant D." I looked at him and maintained eye contact. I had a bit of sarcasm in my voice "I'm just being a team player Lieutenant." He looked at me, and then turned around in my direction with a bit of irritation. "If your low on ammo don't rely on me to give it to ya." He began to walk away and I looked at him. His comment pissing me off. "I didn't even asked the first time." Ghost quickly turned around and took a few steps closer to me, only to be a few inches from my face. Even though we both had our masks on, I could still feel his hot breath lightly hitting my face.
"You're getting out of line Sergeant D." I looked at him in a taunting manner "I'm just being nice to Sergeant MacTavish, sir."
The tension was getting heavy, you could almost cut it with a butter knife.
Alejandro finally stepped in the room unaware of what was going on and Soap not knowing if he should step in and end the argument or see how it'll play out.
Alejandro finally looked at me and Ghost and saw the aggressive tension going on "Que putas está pasando aquí!" (Translation: What the hell is going on here!)
I break eye contact and look at Alejandro
"Nothing sir, just a small disagreement with the Lieutenant, but we can move on."
Ghost was gonna say something, but in great timing, Graves came up on comms.

Graves comms "0-7, all visible targets are down. Over."

Ghost maintained his eyes on me with anger, but composed himself to speak on comms "Shadow-1, copy that. We'll be clearing the stables building first. Roping now."

He maintained his stance on me as he was just mere inches from my face. He spoke in an aggressively calm manner.
"We're not done here Sergeant D, we will get back to this on base and we will fucking review your bloody attitude." He walked off and lead the way to the stables. Soap and Alejandro smirked at each other, but remained silent. I glared at them, and they began to clear their throats as if they pretended they didn't see anything. Soap grabbed his things and quickly walked passed me "We should get going D, wouldn't want to upset L.T would we now." Soap quickly said. Alejandro then chimed in "Let's go hermosa, your man is leaving you." I rolled my eyes and began to quickly follow. "As if." Annoyed by Alejandro's comment, I quickly caught up to the boys and laid my back against the stables wall. Ghost didn't look at us but his tone was aggressive. "Soap, mark us down." Soap quickly marked us down, not wanting to upset the Lieutenant anymore than he was.

Shadow-1 Nav comms "TV, friendlies are marking the stables building, Confirm visual."

Shadow 1 TV Operator comms "Tally target."


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My Demons ~ Simon (Ghost ) Riley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now